(no subject)

Jun 20, 2008 00:42

zwol and I are in San Diego (well, Del Mar) now in our shiny new apartment!  Well, we have been since Saturday, but we only just now got internet for me to tell the world about it.  All in all it hasn't been as successful as one might hope, due to dirty things and broken things an the "augh! no internet!" but we're getting there.  I like the apartment, the area is beautiful, and we can easily walk to the beach and to the shops and restaurants in Del Mar.  I think it will be good here.

Our stuff and my car arrived on Tuesday on their respective trucks.  The truck *just barely* fit into the apartment driveway, and it's a good thing the driver was good at what he does or it wouldn't have fit at all, with the super-narrow street and large van parked across the way.  But it did fit!  And then we found out that the movers we hired in Atlanta hadn't packed things in right.  We had rented a certain number of feet in a large truck which would then (probably) hold other people's stuff in front of that, with everyone's stuff separated by wooden partitions.  Stuff should be tied down securely so it doesn't all go tumbling down and crushing someone when the bars holding the wooden partition are removed.  The movers hadn't done that, even though we had given them bunjee cords to do it with and offered to get more if necessary.

Fortunately we had hired some guys here at no notice to come unload things for us.  They lowered the partition some so that one of them could climb over and hand things back and straighten things up so they wouldn't come crashing down and crush people.  We never could have done that ourselves.  Even so, some things were damaged, like my (expensive new) office chair and the small bookshelf.  Also, nothing was covered, so the couch and some other things are really disgusting and dirty and we have to get them cleaned :(  But we have stuff now!  We can do things like cook!  And tomorrow the couch gets cleaned, after which we may actually be able to *sit* on it.  Whoah.

The car arrived in good shape, but quite dirty.  Zack took it to a car wash yesterday and got the super-expensive car wash for a nice (birthday?) surprise.  It came out all shiny and nice except for the windshield, which was cracked >_<.  The manager claims that the windshield probably had a small chip in it that cracked with the cold water after sitting in the heat.  Personally, I doubt this, having looked the car over closely after it got off the truck and then having the opportunity to look it over again when cleaning the windshield with a squeegee so I could see where I was going.  There is an obvious impact point on the windshield that I think I would have noticed.  Also, it was not actually hot yesterday.  More like overcast and foggy.  *sigh*  But the manager did find a place to fix it for us and is willing to pay 2/3 of the cost of that, probably because Zack *did* get the super-expensive car wash.  He's also throwing in some expensive car washes for free, but I'm not inclined to take my car back there.  But it's here, in one piece, and drivable, and the shiny new bumper hasn't fallen off, so that's something.  And the repair guy comes to our apartment tomorrow, so I'll be able to drive to work Monday.

Being that we are moving in and our stuff has just arrived and no one I know in San Diego knows I'm here, my birthday was not an exciting affair.  I spent most of it washing dishes and finding cupboards for them.  We did go out to dinner last night, tried to watch Indiana Jones but arrived at the theater at just the wrong time (no internet to check times), and ended up at the fancy desert place in North Park where there was tastiness and Charlie Chaplin films.
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