(no subject)

Mar 12, 2012 17:03

One of the joys of teaching public education in the U.S.--Spring Break.  A week away from my darling students.  (OK..so they are really vampires in disguise and suck the life out of me daily...)

I love my job, I really do.  I just get so tired at this point in the year that all I want to do for the week is sleep.  If I'm not careful, I'll end up in my summer sleep schedule of up all night and sleep all day.  TRYING not to let that happen,

I've been working on my old laptop--the one that became my classroom use computer.  By using it, I don't have to stretch a wire from my teacher station to my projector... I use it for showing videos and powerpoints for lessons.  I brought it home to work on--organizing the powerpoints into more findable locations...updating software... and so on and so forth.  I knew it was out of date on a lot of things, but I didn't realize it was THAT bad...  When I went to do an add-on to fire-fox, I discovered it was still on version 3.??.  Got it updated to 10.?? which is the current version.  You see, this laptop does not have internet access at work since it is not on the network.  I just use it for presentation related things.  I *think* I've got most of the updates done now.  I started on Friday night...so MAYBE I can spend the next couple of days working on organization on it.

Doesn't that sound like fun???

Teenager is doing her best to avoid our house this week...
Hubby is spending all available time in his man-cave playing a video game...
Sounds like a nice relaxing week off for me.
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