Feb 25, 2008 20:13
I think I'm getting sick-- I'm rundown, sore/achy, and I can't shake my headache. Maybe I sprained my brain and am in need of serious rest ... I could take a nap. I have so much to do by Wednesday, it's kinda bad. I'm such an awful student this semester, I really am. Last semester I was gung-ho about doing well and ... reading the assignments. I'm sure the weather is affecting me.
List for Tomorrow:
1. Linguistics exam. (I'm not so prepared for it anymore ...)
2. Finish World Lit Paper (since I read the book for the paper that's due on Wednesday ...)
3. Studies in Fiction essay ... (I'm thinking another Austen paper since, again, I finished that book and I can tie it to something ...)
This morning my bad scholarship was only encouraged (although Dr. Blazer was unaware of this, not like I was going to tell him that I haven't done any of the reading since the beginning of the semester)-- because I did (pretty) well on my informal class presentation. I only read five pages out of the whole book, wrote a paper and then gave an "impromptu" presentation on it. Although having a discussion in class on Britney Spears' tragic "artistic" element vs. Heath Ledger's tragic artistic element was amusing.
I should not be this good at BSing things.
And for Spring Break-- I have a midterm right afterwards and another paper due. DX
i should study,
linguistics won't be my downfall,
i am a good student