Nippon day 8 Saturday

Jul 26, 2009 20:04

Banks shut - forgot it was Saturday
Post office bank shut - Saturday
MGS agreed to take money out of a machine!!
Post office bank machine took Amex but not Lloyds
Stationery shop had Waterman cartridges and lots of other stuff - could have spent a lot of money in there.
Found a 300 Yen shop
Gloriously awful magazine on cats - makes LOLcats look sophisticated.
Cat book - Japanese LOL cats effectively picture of the station master cat is superb will scan some of it later.
Kyoto boys came to practise their english, tried to translate some of the pictures in the cat book, suspect some of it may be lost in translation
Meiko not Geisha
Must read Memoire of a Geisha
No English to Japanese books for MGS
Taxi covers
Busso Passmo - 70 Yen - too much fretting about how to make up the rest
Kyoto second most visited place on earth - after Meccs. 47 million visitors per annum, 45 million of them Japanese
Tripod acquired for Eclipso
Kimono shop - Ravenrigan gets a gazillion points.
300,000 yen kimono for 10,000 yen i.e. 2000 quid down to £65
MGS Over kimono - same price as mine - makes no sense
Big belt, 18 foot long, hanger, belt for mgs, bags
Back to hotel for cold drinks and drop off.
Insides not happy, took 2 codeine phosphate, must be the shock of saving 290,000 yen :)
number 5 bus - go go go - This is a translation joke
French bulldogs on planes
expensive handicraft centre
Heijin shrine - lots of volunteer guides - filled in their forms, showed them how to cross fingers
Sumo - McDonalds banners
orange gloves for potato peeling
dinner - 9 sorts of tofu
boiled - big pan, baked on double bamboo skewer, porridge, chilled, frozen, icecream, tempura, 2 in the miso, rice
no western sign for toilet but I recognised the kanji, water efficient toilet wash basin.
Took shoes away and brought them back.
car parks and mechanics for not stealing
Trying to find a bar, should be loads down the side street - not that side street the arcade. Bar Antibes had absinthe, list of beligian beers, blood orange liqueur.
Beautification enforcement zone with a fallen asleep tramp, not beautiful
Janet came out with a big sentence on sitting and washing TV / internet. David replies Wakarimasen.
Braille on TV kana per set.
Fridged pockies
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