It takes a lot of expertise, Joss.

Jul 04, 2008 18:19

Fun fact: I saw three movies in as many days! (Hancock, Wall-E, and Get Smart)

Fun fact number two: I cried at Hancock but not Wall-E (though okay, it was close)

Fun fact number three: alksflksdjfaksdghglaslkdkfjdj spies.

Thought I was done being sick. Evidently not. Still working on the epilogue because I don't trust myself to write when I have a cold. Mostly because my fever-addled brain is even less sensical than my regular one.

Also: wrote an entire fic in my head yesterday that wouldn't have made sense to anyone but me. Figured it was a lost cause to try to write any of it. Also, by the end, I had forgotten the brilliant way I started it. Sigh.

Have two fully colored pages of comics and ten (I think) more drawn with inked borders and balloons. Haven't done any studying, haven't played any video games, have watched all of Season One Supernatural for the second time, started on season two, and finished watching all the commentary on Buffy and Angel. I am such a huge loser! But that's okay.

Now, I am going to go watch things blowing up, because that is the only good part of this ungodly hot holiday. Well, that and making fun of my dad because it is his birthday. And taking him to go see Get Smart because, hey, what better way is there to spend time with your family than sitting next to them in the dark for two hours and not talking?

...and in my head (and probably nehi's too) that last sentence has all sorts of terrible connotations. Hate my brain. Happy America Day! (woo blowing things up!)

buffy, agh sick, movies, comicy goodness, family, angel, rl

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