Oct 21, 2005 22:58
I think when I need to make really big decisions, I should take shower.
For some reason, whenever I'm in the shower, I make really big decisions. I'm not entirely sure why, but I do.
It may be that I'm naked and I'm just with myself. It may be that it's quiet for once and I can clear my head. Maybe the water soothes me. It could be for a number of reasons. It just happens.
I was in the shower when I decided that I never ever want to grow up under no circumstance.
When I was in the shower today, I made a huge movie decision that made a breakthrough on it. I'm not going to say anything about it because one) I don't want anyone stealing my ideas, two) if I say it outloud, I'll probably loose some of what I had, and three) I'm an evil bitch.
Now, off the subject of the shower. I was watching this thing on Madonna today because I actually like her music. Well, her older stuff that is. I don't like all this political crap now. But anyways, I turn it on, and she's playing a fucking Stooges song. She's playing one of my favorite Stooges song, I wanna be your dog. But she's not singing the right words to it. I was just like "Wtf is she doing, damnit?" And then later, Iggy Pop opened for her in Dublin... I seriously nearly crapped my pants when I saw him. But they showed little of him performing which made me sad. But they did show a lot of Madonna's crew's reaction to him. They were really shocked. Which is sad. Because I don't think they'd ever seen him preform before. Ok, but wtf do Iggy Pop and Madonna have in common besides both being born in Michigan?
I know too much Iggy Pop trivia. Oh, well. I love em and someday, it will come in handy, I know it. Like if someone asks me who originally sang China Girl, I'll know. Will you?
I keep meaning to actually do something the past couple of days, but I really haven't had the heart nor will to do it. I've been either too busy eating, reading, writing (I guess that was somewhat productive), watching tv, or watching a movie. I'm glad I've barely gone out though. I think I would have accomplished much less.
Oh yeah! Something productive I did do! I wrote a song. But I really hate it. So I've forgotten it. And whenever it pops back into my head, I feel like drilling a hole into my skull and letting my brain slowly ooze out.
I think tomorrow is going to be National Asia Reading and Writing All Day Day. And I guess Designing. So, it can be National Asia Being Artistic All Day Day!! Yay! Tomorrow is NABAADD! J'aime ca!
Ah crap. I just got a huge craving for chocolate. And I know for a fact that the only chocolate I know that is in the house is cocoa. And I don't want cocoa. Or do I?
Omg, I just asked my mother. And she said we have pink M&M's!! Yummy! I think I'll have some M&M's and some cocoa. And a girly movie. I'm thinking Bridget. 1 or 2? Or do I want to watch Love Actually? Mmm. Alan Rickman, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Martin Freeman. AND....COLIN FRISSELL!! So cute! Hmmm, very tempting. Or I could finish Vanity Fair... Or I could watch Buffy. I'd love to see more sex with Buffy and Spike. Always fun. OR I could watch Firefly again for like the millionth time this week. *drools* Jayne.
JAYNE! OH THE MAN THEY CALL JAYNE! He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor. Stood up to the man and he gave him whatfor. Our love for him now ain't hard to explain. The hero of Canton. The man they call Jayne.
It's really quite sad that I know that song by heart now.
I'm getting a new hat. It's awesome.
Everytime I see a trailer for the new Pride and Prejudice, I want to see it less and less. Kiera is too many for Elizabeth and the guy they got playing Darcy is too girly. And wtf is up with all the excess of shots with them sitting next to cliffs and being out in the rain? No one can replace Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy for me. Although Lawrence Olivier was good as Darcy as well.
I think the mirror that's now next to my desk is magical. I say this because everytime I look into it, I look fantastic. But I can look into any other mirror in my house and I just look Eh. Maybe it's the lighting too.
Lol. I just remembered Aaron's senior pictures. And now, I cannot stop laughing. I think I might die.
OK better now because I just got the crap scared out of me. GHOSTS! IN MY CLOSET! THEY LIKE TO SCARE ME! Bitches. I should go buy that cross from the dollar store Tabs was gonna get me and hanging outside my closet door. I say outside my closet door because inside is a place of worship and no place for a crifux to be.
Ew, I just found a piece of old popcorn on the floor. DON'T EAT IT!
Hmm. Well, I have to pee. And I want to watch my girly movies and eating chocolate and drink cocoa. So go away.
If you get this, then you get a cookie.