The runners had caught sight of the marines long before they reached the hive. The queen had been preparing for their inevitable return for weeks and the hive was now ready for even their worst assaults
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The queen sees the little Shadow and freezes. Toi her it was like one of her own and with a chitter a pair of drones receed from the front to protect him.
The marines had come in to the hive but that was the plan. In the dark the aliens had the advantage as well as extra surfaces from which to attack. The flame throwers alway came first. With a snarl she pulls thier attention to her and as they advance she stands her ground. As if choreographed a shower of acid comes in a spray from the sides. The warriors were invisible in the dark to the humans, thier off black allowing them to blend flawlessly into the shadows.
The retreat of the flamethrowers did not mean an end to the fight but it did ensure the safety of the rest of the eggs for the time being. The queen and her warrior begin to advance toward the front of the hive. leaving E'Gona with the two drones who are hissinf wildly, thier posture poised for a poune and the razor sharp blade at the end of thier tail dancing of thier heads like some mutant scorpion.
E'Gona suddenly finds the drones moving in to guard it and curiously it looks back to the elder, the one known as Queen. Backing away it watches as the younger race, the one known by it's people as 'Earthers' or humans approach with deadly flamthrowers. In horror it watches confused as to why this peaceful hive is percieved as such a threat to them.
What have they done to deserve this?
It inwardly thinks though the answer comes readily enough.
The younger races always fear what they don't understand. It is this fear that makes them so volatile as they seek only to destroy, instead of trying to learn.
The thought angers the hatchling and it hisses in response skittering forward wanting to join in to help it's friends and allies but the drones have their own duties to perform, and that is the protection of the Shadow.
The acid seems to slow down the threat as they retreat. Watching as the Queen and her minions move forward to the front of the hive the hatchling wonders if there is some way it can assist. A thought occurs to it and using it's own skills it melds as it's body begins to create it's own cloaking shield. Unlike the elders though this takes sometime for the hatchling and as it waits impatiently it chirps eagerly to the drones explaining it's plan to attack the humans from behind where they couldn't see it's approach.
The drones understand perfectly, it is a manuever the hive used from time to time. As E'Gona starts to disappear the drones head off stopping to encourage him to follow along the way. The corridor is dark and Narrow. Finally it exits beneath some boulders and debris to the side of the hive enterence.
The drones lay prone in the grass watching the marines and the two trucks they had brought.
Pleased that they don't chastize it for trying to help the hatchling dissipears watching as the Drones head off before pausing as though waiting for it to join them. Honored by this the young Shadow quickly skitters off down the corridor careful to remain near to them just in case. As it leads to the hives enterance the hatchling takes notice of the grass as it quickly thought speaks it's fears.
Their weapons...Will ignite the's too dangerous here we must move away to the rocky highground...
Moving quickly it slips behind the marines trucks hoping that it's footsteps aren't heard. Approaching the trucks it finds itself remembering the lessons learnt about the younger races and their strange ground ships. This one is quite primative by it's standards and it tries to locate where it's fuel might be located.
The drones follow low to the ground. They had seen the driver still in the truck and sneak along the far side of the truck. Seeing E'Gona stop they cock thier heads unsure of what he is doing. One continues on and hops through the window into the cab sending th edriver screaming out the opposite door.
The Drone that has stayed with E'Gona finally understands and chitters as it crawls under the truck waiting for the shadow to follow.
E'Gona notices it's attracting attention and it tries to thought speak to them but it would seem they have other plans in mind. WAtching in amusement as thye burst through the window sending the driver rushing out the opposite side.
Noting the drone it catches it's chittering and soon follows it as it crawls under the truck. An excellent plan of attack it muses as it scrambles under to join in, feeling pleased to be able be of some use in it' first real battle.
The Drone now under the truck rolls over onto its back and studies the underside of teh truck before pulling a hose. The smell of gasoline follows the out pouring liquid as the Drone urges E'Gona to go back the way they came and get out from under the truck.
In the mean time the second drone has stolen a lit flare and is waiting with the burning flare in its mouth as E'Gona and the drone emerge from under the truck. The drones chitter excitedly before the one crawling from under teh truck encourages E'Gona to continue down over the bank away from the truck.
E'Gona watches the drone in eager silence before chirping in delight as the hose pops free spilling gasoline everywhere. Skittering quickly from under hte truck it follows the drone in silence.
The second drone nears with the lit flare and the hatchling can't help itself but to hiss and chitter in joy. Catching the drones excited chirps it quickly follows them over the bank away from the danger to come.
The drone tosses the flare under the truck and leaps over the bank. Both drones cover E'Gona with thier bodies as the truck blows to bits. Screams begin to echo from the top of the bank. Most seem to be shocked and afraid. The drones take advantage of this and moving some ways down the ravine begin to sneak back up to the top to find victims.
E'Gona finds itself suddenly being covered by the two powerful drone as a powerful explosion causes it to jump instinctivally despite the fact it knew what was to come. But as soon as it occurs they are back on their feet and moving swiftly down the ravine in the direction of the screams. The hatchling promptly follows them careful to keep it's now invisible structure cloaked as it follows the sounds of the screams, feeling eager for the fight and protective of it's new family.
The drones slink through the grass like stalking cats. Thier color a near match to the tall dry grass on the bank as they sneak toward the enemy.
A high pitched shriek immediately pulls thier attention and in an instant they are moving at a full run as are many of the other aliens in the area. Panic seems to have set in and suddently E'Gona can see why. A greenish yellow substance is oozing from the queen in her upper chest area.
The noise from the aliens is almost deafening and it seems to be unnerving and disorienting to the humans. Once the immediate threat to the queen subsides the aliens in unison turn out in a protective circle like some great herd animal protecting its calves from a predator.
E'Gona joins them slinking close to the ground but using it's cloaking as a means of hiding. However the high pitche shriek pulls it out of it's concentrated thoughts as it's head jerks up in shock.
However before it has time to ask what it could mean it catches sight of all the Hive running away as panic hangs heavy in the air. Tilting its head it chitters in curiousity but soon it's many eyes settle on the cause for fear. Ahead the Elder, the Queen seems to have been hit.
A wild fear grips the creatures heart as it squeaks remembering of legends told ot it in the past of what happened when the elders were harmed in battle. No matter the cost this one couldn't be hurt. For if one dies a piece of them all dies with it.
Rushing forward it tries to assist attempting to join in along with the others as htey create their protective circle as it hisses and growls to the threat that is to come.
The hive seems to swarm in unison like hornets attacking relentlessly. As the threat flees the onslaught that once directed in a single minded goal easily overpowers the humans order seems to comeback despite a dizzying amount of noise coming from all of them.
Some of the aliens are actually missing large sections of thier bodies and still able to move and crawl back to teh hive. Thier blood leaving a scoarched acrid smelling trail behind.
The queen begins to survey the damages and losses in silence. It seems to sadden her every time she comes to a body that does not respond to her touch.
E'Gona though not as skilled at she drones or runners does it's best to join in the battle. Using it's skills with cloaking it attacks it's prey with precision and a ferocity that is renowned for a Shadow at least amongst the older races.
But soon the their blind chaoes brings about order as the threat is eventally eliminated. As the warriors complete their victory E'Gona finds itself staring at the many battle fallen that remain behind as they struggle back to their home.
Horrified by what it sees it squeaks and chirps trying to help the wounded but soon understands there is little it can do. But then perhaps there is another.
Quietly it approaches the Queen who survays the damages, mourning in silence at the fallen who remain still.
With a soft hiss and chitter it quietly speaks in humbled and shy tones.
Elder?...Queen?...I...Can't help those who are gone to the rim...But I think I may know someone who can help those who remain but are wounded...May I invite them to this place?
E'Gona chitters and seems to bow as it lowers it's front legs. But soon it goes silent though it's eyes dim slightly. Then nearby two larger shadows slowly appear nearby. Though they are obvious older then the hatchling there is something odd about one of them. It is almost as though it is unsure of itself, of it's form though it tries to hide it.
Once they are physically in sight the hatchling chitters and squeaks to which they reply before approaching the Queen as the more dominant elder speaks.
We have been informed of your peoples plight and the kindness shown to our child. Please guide us to the wounded and we will assist you with yours.
The marines had come in to the hive but that was the plan. In the dark the aliens had the advantage as well as extra surfaces from which to attack. The flame throwers alway came first. With a snarl she pulls thier attention to her and as they advance she stands her ground. As if choreographed a shower of acid comes in a spray from the sides. The warriors were invisible in the dark to the humans, thier off black allowing them to blend flawlessly into the shadows.
The retreat of the flamethrowers did not mean an end to the fight but it did ensure the safety of the rest of the eggs for the time being. The queen and her warrior begin to advance toward the front of the hive. leaving E'Gona with the two drones who are hissinf wildly, thier posture poised for a poune and the razor sharp blade at the end of thier tail dancing of thier heads like some mutant scorpion.
There is a feeling that they are all business.
What have they done to deserve this?
It inwardly thinks though the answer comes readily enough.
The younger races always fear what they don't understand. It is this fear that makes them so volatile as they seek only to destroy, instead of trying to learn.
The thought angers the hatchling and it hisses in response skittering forward wanting to join in to help it's friends and allies but the drones have their own duties to perform, and that is the protection of the Shadow.
The acid seems to slow down the threat as they retreat. Watching as the Queen and her minions move forward to the front of the hive the hatchling wonders if there is some way it can assist. A thought occurs to it and using it's own skills it melds as it's body begins to create it's own cloaking shield. Unlike the elders though this takes sometime for the hatchling and as it waits impatiently it chirps eagerly to the drones explaining it's plan to attack the humans from behind where they couldn't see it's approach.
The drones lay prone in the grass watching the marines and the two trucks they had brought.
Their weapons...Will ignite the's too dangerous here we must move away to the rocky highground...
Moving quickly it slips behind the marines trucks hoping that it's footsteps aren't heard. Approaching the trucks it finds itself remembering the lessons learnt about the younger races and their strange ground ships. This one is quite primative by it's standards and it tries to locate where it's fuel might be located.
The Drone that has stayed with E'Gona finally understands and chitters as it crawls under the truck waiting for the shadow to follow.
Noting the drone it catches it's chittering and soon follows it as it crawls under the truck. An excellent plan of attack it muses as it scrambles under to join in, feeling pleased to be able be of some use in it' first real battle.
In the mean time the second drone has stolen a lit flare and is waiting with the burning flare in its mouth as E'Gona and the drone emerge from under the truck. The drones chitter excitedly before the one crawling from under teh truck encourages E'Gona to continue down over the bank away from the truck.
The second drone nears with the lit flare and the hatchling can't help itself but to hiss and chitter in joy. Catching the drones excited chirps it quickly follows them over the bank away from the danger to come.
A high pitched shriek immediately pulls thier attention and in an instant they are moving at a full run as are many of the other aliens in the area. Panic seems to have set in and suddently E'Gona can see why. A greenish yellow substance is oozing from the queen in her upper chest area.
The noise from the aliens is almost deafening and it seems to be unnerving and disorienting to the humans. Once the immediate threat to the queen subsides the aliens in unison turn out in a protective circle like some great herd animal protecting its calves from a predator.
However before it has time to ask what it could mean it catches sight of all the Hive running away as panic hangs heavy in the air. Tilting its head it chitters in curiousity but soon it's many eyes settle on the cause for fear. Ahead the Elder, the Queen seems to have been hit.
A wild fear grips the creatures heart as it squeaks remembering of legends told ot it in the past of what happened when the elders were harmed in battle. No matter the cost this one couldn't be hurt. For if one dies a piece of them all dies with it.
Rushing forward it tries to assist attempting to join in along with the others as htey create their protective circle as it hisses and growls to the threat that is to come.
Some of the aliens are actually missing large sections of thier bodies and still able to move and crawl back to teh hive. Thier blood leaving a scoarched acrid smelling trail behind.
The queen begins to survey the damages and losses in silence. It seems to sadden her every time she comes to a body that does not respond to her touch.
But soon the their blind chaoes brings about order as the threat is eventally eliminated. As the warriors complete their victory E'Gona finds itself staring at the many battle fallen that remain behind as they struggle back to their home.
Horrified by what it sees it squeaks and chirps trying to help the wounded but soon understands there is little it can do. But then perhaps there is another.
Quietly it approaches the Queen who survays the damages, mourning in silence at the fallen who remain still.
With a soft hiss and chitter it quietly speaks in humbled and shy tones.
Elder?...Queen?...I...Can't help those who are gone to the rim...But I think I may know someone who can help those who remain but are wounded...May I invite them to this place?
Once they are physically in sight the hatchling chitters and squeaks to which they reply before approaching the Queen as the more dominant elder speaks.
We have been informed of your peoples plight and the kindness shown to our child. Please guide us to the wounded and we will assist you with yours.
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