(FYI: subject line should be read in a whiny, nasal, possibly Muppet-y tone)
So, as you might be aware, Christmas is coming. While it is a fine and dandy holiday that I am now free to enjoy, seeing as I'm no longer working retail, I have managed to find a BRAND-SPANKING NEW issue to have in regards to it.
Namely, presents. Not just presents for family and friends (which I am slowly but surely making headway on), but ideas for me! Me! That's like... worst fail ever? Possibly? How do you not know what you want for Christmas?
And like, it wouldn't matter at all if I wasn't a part of such a generous, loving family intent on spoiling me rotten. (This is something I generally encourage. Miss Piggy hasn't been my idol since infancy for nothing!) But freaking everyone wants to know what to get me and I have had nothing to tell them except "maybe a step-ladder?"
A step-ladder you guys. For cleaning our high ceilings. *facepalm* Could I be more lame?
So! HELP ME OUT! Tell me what I want for Christmas! =D
I even made an account on that
ETSY site that I've seen people talking about... but I don't know what's cool on there, since I am not: a) trendy, b) hip, or c) a person who could ever wear
one of those knitted cowl things without looking like a doof.
So yeah... ideeeeas?
In other news, Chris and I started watching
that John Adams miniseries that ran on HBO however long ago, and I'm loving it to pieces. <3
I also just finally finished the 3rd book of
Artesia, and am even more in love with it now than I was when I bought all three hardbacks with my costume contest winnings at GenCon.
And lastly,
Seriously. Someone please tell me what this is.