Apr 16, 2004 23:00
so im wacthing that show mad mad house or whatever it is called and all i can think of is if i was on that show all i do would be pick on the goth kid. i would chase him around with wooden sticks, crucfix and pliars. i would buy him plaid shirts and gift certififcets to tanning beds. i might even go as far as to punch him in the face. and then the channel changes to real world and some girls a "cutter" and every body is freaking out like its big thing and i think to my self i want to punch them as well. so the long and short of it is every thing pisses me off i hate almost every thing there is and i see my self as better then all these jackasses who buy all this fucking shit. fucking cutters i hate them
concerend friends i hate them too people who want to be vampires hate them as well. the pope suck ass. george walker bush is good people (ah sarcasim) denis miller joan rivers lava monster's with detachable mohawks. good charolette nickleback, hardcore music, couples with machting t-shirts i can deal with but pound puppies have to go. jews, british people, jim brewer is overrated. puff daddy, jonathon davis, fred durst, mormans are the worst. racest, spell check. the ghost buster cartoon kicked ass. to top it all off JPL got kicked off american idol. bullshit.