Jun 01, 2009 22:31
Ahh, there really is no other suitable time to listen to old gwen stefani tracks than mid-assignment when the rest of the house is in bed. I've been listening to a lot of old stuff today. Not golden old, stuff from 2004 and 2005. Stuff that isn't old enough to be cool again yet.
I'm a day in to the week from hell. I thought last week was bad. Jesus. I have a 60% academic report due friday, and a 50% website due friday as well. I'm so mentally exhausted, I'm really having trouble keeping up the enthusiasm now. Doing this degree has been like some kind of cruel marathon of evil and doom. If I don't get a job out of it, I will cry.
I am mindful that I have been neglecting my poor little LJ of late, but I am making a habit of reading my flist first thing in the morning as I inhale my much needed first coffee of the day.
So, monday down, everything has to be in by midnight on friday. It's looking like I'll be working right down to the wire too. Sad.