some things

Jan 08, 2012 16:20

My next 18 credit hour semester is go go go on Monday. It will take me a while to deal with starting class at 8:30 AM and finishing at 7 PM. I am also having some nasty computer problems that probably won't be resolved until this laptop gets replaced next month, so if it blows up before then, breaks on campus are the only time I'll be able to do much.

C'est la vie.

I am never good at being totally absent when I'm on hiatus, but I will definitely definitely be sssslow.

In my neglect! Zinc will be in her little house on autopilot. Her guests are welcome to do as they like, and should anyone need to catch me, plurk is an awesome bet, because I sit on plurk mobile during my classes 99% of the time.

Zinc has begun to consider throwing a party in February as well. She is a very quiet zombie and doesn't really take well to a lot of noise and excitement, so uh... it's probably the kind of party where you play scrabble and then go outside to barbecue while the hostess stays in to avoid the rancid smell of cooking meat.

So if anyone wants to help her plan and decorate, it would be some quick and easy CR points and a project, if your girls are bored.

player plotting, !hiatus

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