Jan 02, 2012 01:26

As promised, we've taken into account the results of the earlier poll regarding moving the game, and have come to a decision.

On February 1st, Queen of Hearts will officially close on LiveJournal and reopen on Dreamwidth.

The intervening time period will give us as the mods time to do the administrative things necessary to moving to the new service. We hope to be able to import the contents of the communities by February; however, they will still remain on LiveJournal in the case that we aren't able to do so by that time. While community importing is available on Dreamwidth right now, it is currently restricted to paid accounts only as well as to communities with less than 100,000 comments; while we have paid journals available that could be used as temporary mod journals to import the comms, the main community still has too many comments. Those restrictions are in place as a safety measure while the Dreamwidth admins ensure their servers can handle the import load, and are expected to be removed soon, but an exact timetable isn't yet available. Regardless of whether or not the communities can be imported by February, all posting and commenting will shift to Dreamwidth on February 1st.

To ensure a smooth transition, applications will be closed the week of January 29th and will reopen on Dreamwidth the week of February 5th. This will prevent the hassle of characters apping in on LiveJournal only to immediately have to move their character journals over to Dreamwidth in the following week.

As a note, we've recently found out Dreamwidth intends to continue allowing open account creation for the next couple of weeks at least, so if you haven't yet created a journal for your character there, now may be a good time to do so. And again, as we stated in the poll, we'll be able to get a "promo code" specifically for allowing any number of people to join QoH after the invite code system is reinstated. Additionally, there are resources like the dw_codesharing community over on DW where invite codes are freely available. For those who already have paid accounts on LiveJournal and would have to lose paid time in moving to Dreamwidth, there is a paid account donations post where you can request paid time for your DW account.

If you have any questions about the process, thoughts or concerns, feel free to ask and we'll answer to the best of our ability.

Thanks for sticking with us through what has undoubtedly been a rough period for everyone involved, and we hope to continue providing a good RP experience for as many of you as possible both during this time of transition and after the move to Dreamwidth.


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