
Dec 22, 2011 14:22

This is just a heads up to people I'm threading with! And I should have done this sooner go Cari go. The holidays have snuck up on me, so I apologize for both being slower than normal recently and for sporadic replies from now on. I haven't dropped or forgotten about threads, I've just been wrapping presents and celebrating my cousin's birthday this past week~ <3

My laptop is also being taken in for repairs soon, so my phone is my only interwebz after Christmas and until maybe the new year. The new LJ seems to hate my phone but I will beat on it until it lets me tag! >:C

Again, if you need to contact me for any reason, PM this account, bother my Plurk at giraffles, or IM me on MSN at cyberidia@hotmail.com. Plurk and MSN like my phone at least...

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you all enjoy them! <333
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