a modly mod post

Dec 21, 2011 17:05

Hello again, QoH! Your mods with a quick post regarding the recent (and possible future) design changes to LiveJournal.

First off, we'd like to take a quick poll of the playerbase to see what the opinion is on a (permanent or temporary, depending on how future design changes affect functionality) change of layout to utilize custom comment pages. The custom layouts that we have on the communities at the moment are very narrow and don't really support custom comment pages very well, so such a change would be a conversion to one of the wider-format S2 layouts like Minimalism. We understand many folks are having problems getting the new standard comment page design to load properly, exempting any issues with the design itself, and this problem is somewhat alleviated by using custom comment pages - at the same time, we didn't want to spring a total redesign of the comms on everyone without asking first.

If a majority of the playerbase approves, we'll change the layouts sometime in the next couple of days.


Secondly, as regards moving Queen of Hearts to another journaling site such as Dreamwidth: We have no plans to do that at the moment unless we receive an indication that that sort of move would be welcomed by most of the playerbase. At this point in time, we're more or less waiting to see what happens and whether or not the LJ design team will go ahead with their projected changes. If people express interest in moving the communities, we may poll on this in a few days.

Thanks for reading (and polling)!


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