event suggestions

Nov 15, 2011 17:11

Hey there, Queen of Hearts!

It's been a long time since we've posted one of these, so we're asking for:

Event Suggestions

What types of events would you like to see more of at QoH? While we as the mods try to come up with events that will be enjoyable, we'd like to have more input from you, our players. In the end, our goal is for as many people to have fun with as many events as possible -- some events are more interesting for some players or characters than others, and that's always going to be the case, but we try our best to be engaging and fun.

That said, though the two things may intersect, this game is about what all of you find entertaining, not about what we find entertaining. We'd like to hear more about what events you'd like to see in the game, either general types of events (e.g. more romance events -- we hear you and we're working on it) or specific occurrences. While we can't promise we'll be able to use every single suggestion, we do keep track of them and we'll try to use as many as possible, either stand-alone by themselves or integrated into other things.

Also, how is the timing of events working out for everyone, both as far as the duration of events themselves and the way events are scheduled? Our current event cycle is alternating large events with smaller ones every other month, with the intent of still having big events going on without bombarding people with them every month. Events tend to fall more toward the middle of the month in order both to allow us time to put things together on the administrative end as well as to allow people time to prepare OOCly, but if that's inconvenient for a lot of people we might be willing to look into switching things up a little.

Thanks for your input! ♥


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