Jun 08, 2011 20:09
Spirit Airlines sent me the following (1 question) survey. I have never seen a more biased survey. Unless you want to also say that you want to pay higher fares or are a lazy person, you have to answer that you support their initiative for lower prices for checking-in online. This would be fine if it actually made it cheaper; unfortunately, previous experience with this and other airlines leads me to believe that if they implement this system, fares will remain the same and there will just be an extra charge to check-in at the airport.
* In our efforts to lower fares, customers have asked us if they can save by checking in online. After consideration, we wanted to ask your preference. Is your preference:
I prefer only to use web check-in and lower my fare. This is similar to certain government processing initiatives that allow one channel for submission but retain efficiency.
I don't mind paying higher fares by checking in online while subsidizing others who check in at the airport.
I prefer to pay less for checking in online and let customers who check in at the airport pay for the convenience.
I would rather just raise the federal debt ceiling and have taxpayers subsidize me for being lazy and not checking in online.