birth by sleep. ( open )

Jan 22, 2011 17:49

Characters: Aqua and OPEN
Date: 22nd January, afternoon.
Summary: Aqua's escaped her cage, and has come tumbling into the Gardens.
Warnings: Spoilers for Blank Points.

Aqua wondered, from time to time, if the Realm of Darkness had a name before she arrived there. Perhaps it was something she had heard of from Master Eraqus, all those years ago, or maybe she conjured it up after endless hours spent wandering dark paths. It was hard to think back that far-did she know what she was getting into when she sacrificed herself for Terra? Did she know that she'd end up in a world that sapped every last drop of light from her bones and the air all around, all so that she could save Terra, so he could save Ven, and then at least they'd have each other? Surely she wouldn't have willingly abandoned them like that, left them alone while she spent what was either a decade or a hundred years in a world so full of nothing that it didn't even deserve a name.

When Aqua woke up, she felt as if she'd been beaten from all sides. She'd actually woken up, and that was too much for her to comprehend at first. In the Realm of Darkness, there was nothing she could do to waste away her hours. She didn't eat, she didn't drink, she didn't sleep, and she certainly didn't dream. And yet there she was, face-down in wild grass, each and every sense so utterly overwhelmed that she believed she might never move again.

Her first thought was to work out where she could possibly be, what world she'd crash-landed on, but soon learnt that she just didn't care. There was light, if only in name alone, in the Realm of Darkness, but that had only served to make the shadows starker and the dark shapes on the horizon deeper; the sunlight, so unfamiliar to Aqua, stung her eyes, making them water. It was so much warmer there, made her feel so wonderfully alive, and it was as if Aqua was only just realising that she'd been freezing all along. For a brief moment - and it was only the most hollow, fleeting of moments, one that Aqua would desperately cling to and try to recall at least a jot of in the weeks and months to come - she felt that nothing in the Realm of Darkness mattered, and that it had been another life altogether.

Sprawled out against the dirt in clothes that weren't her own, Aqua kept her eyes screwed shut to protect them from the light, and reached blindly for her Keyblade, though she knew it was bound to appear at even her subconscious behest. The sound of light cutting into the air like diamonds rang in her ears, and there it was, Rainfell firm in her hand. It was all she needed.

She was out. She may no longer have had a home to return to, but there were people she could save, and that was enough. She was free.

sora, aqua, xion, ventus

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