
Dec 31, 2011 21:58

Characters: Anyone attending the New Year's Eve masquerade.
Date: December 31 - January 1
Summary: Sending out the old year and ringing in the new one. With fancy dresses and masks and dancing and music and party food.
Warnings: Let the mods know if something in your thread needs to be warned for.

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grell sutcliffe, amamiya sakurako, *open, haruhi suzumiya, gavril madaraki, caprica-six, kuja, sette frummagem, sora, sephiroth, utena tenjou, xion, reno, marceline the vampire queen, kyoko sakura, subaru nakajima, homura akemi, jolyne kujo, haine otomiya, princesss bubblegum, santana lopez, zinc, fionna, madoka kaname

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soapscent January 1 2012, 23:46:10 UTC
Jolyne ha been a bit skeptical about her dress when it had arrived. It didn't seem wearable in the slightest. But now that she was actually putting it on, she found that it was just fine; apparently the Queen has worked some of her magic on it to keep it altogether, in place, and make it possible for her to move around in it. She still made quite a sight, especially with her similarly-themed mask.

She hard made her way over to the food, and was helping herself to a plateful of food and a big glad of wine.


I am so sorry... heretolookhot January 2 2012, 03:15:05 UTC
Dancing, as great as it felt, got tiring eventually, and Santana had to take a break for some food. Eating anything that wasn't on her coach's strict list of approved food was always difficult (unless it was Breadstix), but it was even harder with this technicolor nightmare of a woman in front of her.

"You look like a gay toddler puked on you."


soapscent January 2 2012, 07:34:43 UTC
Jolyne was aware that she looked ridiculous. But with these masks anonymizing everyone, she gave no fucks. She was A-OK with looking ridiculous under these conditions.

"Sorry, girl," she said. "I didn't pick it, I just rock it!"

She spun around. It made her dress look vaguely like a swarm of butterflies taking flight.


heretolookhot January 2 2012, 12:20:51 UTC
"...maybe," she said, giving Jolyne a look over. "You're supposed to dance before you eat."


soapscent January 2 2012, 19:52:20 UTC
Jolyne took a defiant drink from her wine glass. "I never was one to care about the rules," she said. "Unless that's a roundabout kinda way to ask me to dance?"


heretolookhot January 3 2012, 03:27:56 UTC
If she hadn't been anonymous, the answer would have been a very clear no. But since no one would know she was asking out what was apparently the Queen's most hated subject...

"See if that mess the Queen calls a dress will get in the way?"


soapscent January 3 2012, 04:40:38 UTC
"Exactly. Our own little science experiment."

It was surprisingly easy to move in, though. Must me more magic bullshit from Her Highness.


heretolookhot January 3 2012, 06:18:59 UTC
"Let's do it, then," Santana said, moving back to the dance floor and inviting her to follow.


soapscent January 3 2012, 06:36:03 UTC
Jolyne set her glass down, and placed her plate alongside it. The food'd keep.

She followed Santana onto the dancefloor, her butterfly dress flitting back and forth with each step.


heretolookhot January 4 2012, 02:36:24 UTC
It looked like she could walk okay, and that was the first step. Santana was going to let loose, better hope she can keep up.


soapscent January 4 2012, 02:46:23 UTC
Jolyne can keep up with the best of them. She might not act it that much now, but she used to be a really wild child. Part of a biker gang and everything.


heretolookhot January 4 2012, 06:49:58 UTC
"You're pretty good," she yelled over the music. She didn't know this song, but it was a pretty good dancing song.


soapscent January 5 2012, 23:45:14 UTC
"Not too bad yourself," she responded. This music wasn't really to Jolyne's taste; it was a bit too poppy for her. She liked harder rock more.


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