Let's celebration!

Nov 13, 2011 02:49

Characters: All residents of the Tohno mansion!
Date: Sunday.
Summary: Kohaku's taken over the kitchen in order to prepare something delicious. The mansion is bustling with people (who aren't vampires or freeloaders), and it doesn't feel so empty. No reason to celebrate? Who needs a reason? Meet us in the dining room!
Warnings: I dunno, swearing if people who jump in the log swear?

[The layout of food is fairly luxurious. Since Akiha and Hisui have been here longer than Kohaku has, she feels like she hasn't cooked for them in a long time (even when it's just been a few days, in her time.) The orchard provided amazing ingredients, and while eclectic, western and eastern dishes sit next to each other side by side all across the table. It seems she couldn't pick a theme with her cooking, and went with 'whatever is delicious!' Don't be mad, Akiha-sama! She'll clean the kitchen later-- wait.

She calls into the mansion, loud enough for everyone to hear.]

Dinner is ready! Please don't skip out on it, there's something for everyone!

[Then she realized it probably would have been more maidlike to go door to door.


*open, kohaku

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