(no subject)

Oct 28, 2011 23:55

Characters: swarmoflies and whoever wants to join her!
Date: Back-dated to while all the monsters were running around the Gardens
Summary: Sette hiding from and dealing with monster attacks!
Warnings: Well, Sette's likely going to get stabbity on a Harpy.

Sette had popped through the portal, and then almost immediately high-tailed it away. She wasn't scared of The Hollow - of course she wasn't!. And she definitely wasn't afraid of the creatures who came through it. She just...didn't like it. Or them. So she was keeping her distance.

Likewise, she wasn't hiding in a tree, well-concealed by its foliage. It--it was just a good vantage point! She could see them coming, so she could get the drop on 'em! Only good tactics, that's all it was.

Out of nowhere, a Harpy swoops down on her, screaming bloody murder. Sette lets out a squawk of surprise. The creature reaches at and claws at her through the leaves, and she falls backwards, shouting:


Her instincts kick in, and she starts twisting, slowing her fall by grabbing onto branches on her way down, so when she hits the ground, she just hits it hard enough to be sore, and avoids breaking anything. She reaches for her knife - one of her knives - pulling it out as the Harpy swooped down towards her. If that damn thing wanted a piece of her, it wouldn't come free.

sette frummagem

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