✭ "dive into the heart" [closed]

Aug 20, 2011 13:36

Characters: Xion and Sora
Date: backdated to August 16
Summary: all the pieces lie where they fell. now they'll be assembled again.
Warnings: should be none

She's falling, slowly. It's dark, but she isn't afraid. Faint light shimmers above, reflections on the surface of the water. This place...it's familiar. It's home.

It's warm, her heart.

Her bare feet touch something solid, and she looks down, at the slivers of light forming like cracks through concrete. She throws up her arms to shield her face, startled, as the darkness becomes light, becomes wings, and a thousand white birds flutter into the air around her, disappearing into the distance.

She's left alone again, colored glass smooth beneath her feet. She kneels, pressing her hands to it. The shapes are indistinct, blurring into each other, and even if she squints, she can't make them out. Trembling a little, she lies down, her cheek pressed against the cool surface.

*closed, sora, xion

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