aunomdedieu and OPEN.
Date: Backdated to midday, May 26th.
Summary: Caprica returns to the Gardens.
Warnings: Angst and emotional confusion? Spoilers for BSG season three, I guess. Shouldn't be anything else, but I'll warn if it comes up.
will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand )
Comments 9
Epsilon knows the woman, if not well, and so she moves toward her, approaching to a distance close enough to catch Caprica's attention, but far enough away that if Caprica wishes to be alone, she can retreat politely after a brief exchange.
"Good afternoon, Caprica." She doesn't say that it's good she's returned, as people have varying relationships with the Gardens and with their home worlds. "I'm pleased to see you again. It's been some time. Were you lost in the Wild Places, or did you go home?"
"Epsilon." It's probably an indication of her level of upset that she doesn't smile as she normally would. Her voice is quiet, not unfriendly, but even. "I went home, for a while."
This is probably the one person in the Gardens she could tell about what's wrong, or parts of it. The parts of it that have to do with not being human, and not knowing what she should be feeling. Not knowing what she should want. But she's unsure how much she wants to say, if anything right now.
Epsilon guesses that leaving the Gardens and then returning to them must be disorienting, so she offers information, neutral and grounding. She does not have a great deal to report. "I'm not sure exactly when you left, but it's been quiet here. Since the robots returned to their home, we haven't heard from the Queen. There have been few developments, aside from more people leaving and arriving. Two of the young women here made an ocean, and it's been causing some slight problems with its side effects for the past few days."
She is not one to press unduly, but she asks, in case Caprica wishes to tell her, "How was home?" A simple, polite question, but if Caprica wishes to talk, she can.
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