footsteps follow, down through the hollow sound

Mar 31, 2011 16:58

Characters: c-zacatechichi and you (open :: see HERE)
Date: March 31st
Summary: Fela is walking the Garden's dreams.
Warnings: To be updated as any appear!

I was waiting down at the ancient gate... )

sephiroth, himura kenshin, fela luisa delmas, grell sutcliffe, *complete, mahalia de luca-serna, *open, dominique de tisi, caprica-six

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aunomdedieu March 31 2011, 22:23:08 UTC
[ It's cold, too cold, despite the thin rays of sunlight streaking through the cloud cover overhead - and the clouds, the whole atmosphere is all the wrong color, a dirty gray-streaked yellow, scorched by nuclear fallout. There's a gust of wind once in a while, but it doesn't truly help; the air is acrid, irradiated. A human would die in a few hours without anti-radiation drugs.

This used to be Caprica City, and one can almost see it even though half of the high-rises in the distance are crumbling, windows blown out, glass and metal melted or shattered. The city was leveled, numerous missile strikes and a fifty megaton nuclear detonation. Clearly, the intent was to leave no survivors.

Caprica is standing in the area that used to be the Riverwalk, across from the reflecting pool. The attack scorched permanent shadows into the pavement here, things, people, caught in the moment of the blast. Sometimes she can catch snippets of voices, sounds, carried on the wind scented with death and decay, but when she looks there is no one there ( ... )


c_zacatechichi March 31 2011, 23:16:55 UTC
[The dreamchaser woman announces herself in a clatter of broken glass and ringing metal pieces, detritus of the nearby structure. A barefoot woman picking her way towards the pool. Nothing else moves in the desolation, and even beneath the painful smothering of Caprica's grief, Fela appears vibrant, out of place in brightly colored skirts that dance as the winds catch at the light fabric.

She does not notice the dreamer immediately, is distracted by the pool for a moment, wondering how it would have looked when it was full. Lovely, she thinks, not so sad and forgotten, empty. Her gaze falls on Caprica then, her dark eyes are curious, and they are circled darker still by the soñando stains around them. There is a third mark on her forehead in the shape of a thumbprint, as distinct as in the waking world, but then this woman would have no reason to imagine Fela differently.]


[It is not a voice heard, maybe it is imagined, for it is as insubstantial as smoke. Fela smiles slightly, the expression faint and somewhat sad. There is ( ... )


aunomdedieu March 31 2011, 23:55:17 UTC
[ There are only very rarely people in the dream, and certainly not so much sound, only the quiet of the dead, like the whole city is a mausoleum. Still, it is a dream, and Caprica doesn't startle, just turns slowly, blue eyes only a little wide. She is well used to voices that come from nowhere, even in her waking states. This woman is beautiful, too vivid, with eyes like an oracle or a priestess. ]

What are you doing here?

[ The question isn't harsh or abrasive; it's only barely curious. Mostly she sounds worn, tired. Like so many months of dreaming this place have taken their toll on her. Her guilt is still there, invisible, yet it stains the feel of the air around her like smoke or blood. Caprica doesn't seem to terribly mind the intrusion. This is a dream, and as far as she knows this woman is a figment of her imagination. Or she is like the version of Gaius she only saw in her mind, back in her world. Either way, she is already aware of Caprica's guilt and why she feels it, or so she thinks. ]


c_zacatechichi April 1 2011, 00:12:11 UTC
[Fela gathers her skirts up into her hands, jumping lightly past the corner of the pool to the edge of one of its longer sides. She follows the path of cracked stone towards Caprica. It seems her little dreamer is not frightened by her, that is always pleasant.]

Imagining when the pool was full.

[She knows that is not, precisely, what she was asked, but that is the answer she gives, her true voice moving past rosy lips. The smell of the soñando follows her like a perfume as she draws closer, a burst of burning flowers at the site of a silent grave.

She tilts her head curiously.]

Why are you here?


aunomdedieu April 1 2011, 00:38:53 UTC
[ Caprica has no reason to be afraid of someone she thinks is a conjuration of her own mind. She watches her walk along the edge of the empty pool, and the scent around her makes the air seem less acrid, somehow.

At the question, she almost laughs bitterly. ]

You should know.

Remembering the dead.

[ The seven million dead of Caprica City are nothing in comparison to more than twenty billion, all over the Colonies. Their blood on her hands, a sin for which she cannot be sure there will ever be absolution.

She looks across the pool, to the half-shattered remnants of a building on the other side, where the flag of Aerilon still hangs from what's left of the awning, tattered and burned. Her mouth twists into an unsteady line and her hands clench at her sides. ]


c_zacatechichi April 1 2011, 01:12:29 UTC
[Fela's eyes leave the woman's face, moving out over the sulfurous landscape, earth burned away to leave behind rolling piles of toxicity and destruction. But there is a similar destruction chiming in Caprica's eyes.

Fela's attention returns, as if that small shift of tension catches her eye unexpectedly. She reaches out in concern, her hand warm and gentle against the dreamer's cheek.]

You keep them here with you?


aunomdedieu April 1 2011, 01:28:49 UTC
[ The touch is unexpected; Caprica's eyes widen and her lips part a little, startled by the contact. It has been a very, very long time since she has been touched with compassion, however misplaced it is. The surprise goes out of her face, and she turns her head a little into the touch, unable to help it, even though she should reject the warmth of Fela's hand on her skin. ]

I have to.

[ She keeps her guilt, even in her dreams, because if she allows herself to forget, then she runs the risk of going back to what she used to be before the attacks. Going back to being the same woman who did this, who seduced a man for his access to the defense grid, shut the entire thing down and left it wide open for her brothers and sisters to rain death and destruction on billions of God's children who did not deserve to be murdered. ]


c_zacatechichi April 1 2011, 02:57:40 UTC
[She strokes Caprica's face, slow and lingering. There is a certain amount of innocence in her expression, care freely give, curiosity but not quite naivety. She has spent too long in a warzone of her own to truly be unversed in its horrors, though she has no images to draw from.]

For how long?

[Fela could not imagine holding to such a thing. She could not imagine such a weight, she was destined to leave it all behind.]


aunomdedieu April 1 2011, 03:19:58 UTC
[ Caprica wants to close her eyes and just relax into the touch, but she doesn't, no matter how nice it feels. She watches Fela's face instead, sees there the mirror of an expression she might wear herself under another circumstance.

The question gives her pause, and she draws in a slow breath, inhaling air fragrant with that heavy floral scent that surrounds Fela; it is better than breathing in the stale air of the dead city. ]

I don't know. [ A pause. ] As long as I need to.

[ She is very still for a moment, turning her eyes away from Fela's again, before she says, ] I don't expect forgiveness.

[ It's stated simply, like the truth that it is. She doesn't expect forgiveness and she won't ask for it. Certainly the ones who have survived this will never forgive her her sins. All she can do is work to make things right, little by little, in her own way. ]


c_zacatechichi April 2 2011, 01:41:06 UTC
[She does not understand, has not quite put together that this entire bubble of despair and irradiation belongs Caprica. Every inch is her creation. Fela has too much optimism and faith for that, and therein lies a precious innocence.

It had pleased her to see the woman accepting her touch, but the sense of pain continues, prickling through Fela with a sudden insistence when Caprica looks away from her. Fela tenses, briefly startled, and a great gust of wind sighs through the open courtyard, bringing with it a clattering like off-balanced wind chimes.

Fela ducks her head, collecting in her hair with a sheepish expression. When things have quieted once more, she collects one of Caprica's hands next, pulling gently like an excited child.]

Will you fill it for me?

[She is leading her dreamer towards the pool.]


aunomdedieu April 2 2011, 07:11:18 UTC
[ The wind scatters debris, burnt grass, a fine layer of dust. Caprica's gaze flicks back over to Fela, and for the first time she's unsure of who she is. Unsure if she is really a figment of her imagination, or something a little more than that.

She lets Fela pull on her hand, leading her forward. There is a stone walkway that bisects the pool about a third of the way along its length, and she pauses at the edge of it. The pool is empty, all the water that was in it evaporated by the nuclear strike whose hypocenter was not far from this place, in relative terms. Caprica remembers what it used to look like; she'd come here before, with Gaius or by herself, more times than she could count. But to remember that too fully would be to forget this, this moment in time of her own making, and she is not entirely sure she can. Not entirely sure she should. ]

I don't know if I can.

[ There is so little that frightens Caprica, but in those few words she almost, very nearly sounds afraid. ]


c_zacatechichi April 3 2011, 17:20:48 UTC
[She presses in against the woman's side quietly, fingers laced over the curve of Caprica's shoulder. Perhaps to give the dreamer strength against her fears, perhaps just to be close. She lays her cheek down against her folded hands, and her eyes remain on the pool, the cracked tiles and twisted pipes.]

You could not keep your grief in this pool instead, and let the rest heal?

[Whether or not she comes from Caprica's mind or beyond it, they both know this place is painful. It is meant to be, and that is terribly sad to Fela. For those with life to live, dreams should be hopeful and vibrant. There was beauty even in sorrow, but this...

What use was there in being weighted to the past? ]


aunomdedieu April 3 2011, 18:21:17 UTC
[ It's meant to be painful, and Caprica holds onto the pain with an irrational, illogical tenacity. Pain, she's understood for a while now, is how we learn who we really are; it gives the mind clarity, focus. It took this to teach her that she could be other than she was, and she is not so quick to leave it behind.

She sighs, a short exhalation of breath, and closes her eyes for a few moments. Caprica is beginning to realize Fela doesn't really understand. And since this is a dream, she doesn't hesitate to tell her like she would in the waking world. ]

I did this.

[ It's not just grief, it's guilt, remorse. Things her brothers and sisters would have boxed her for, if she hadn't shown them this genocide was a sin. ]


c_zacatechichi April 3 2011, 18:54:42 UTC
[Fela's eyes remain on the pool for a moment longer, mourning the answer she has received. She could press against this dream, draw up the good memories and fill the pool herself, but that was very much beyond the point of asking.]

This is a great deal of destruction to be attributed to one woman.

[She notes this quietly, moving from Caprica's side to step out onto the open air of the empty hollow, brightly colored skirts swaying with her steps.

She has her hands crossed at her lower back, head down, an almost solemn procession.]


aunomdedieu April 3 2011, 19:17:20 UTC
[ She watches Fela move, unsurprised by the fact that she is essentially standing in midair, in the way that one is rarely surprised by these sorts of things when they happen in dreams. Caprica takes a step onto the stone walkway in the middle of the pool, then another, pausing quietly and looking down at the empty space where the water used to be. ]

No. [ Her expression tightens. ] But I... made it possible for this to happen.

[ She drops to one knee in the middle of the walkway, touches her fingers to the inside wall of the pool, just lightly. Her gaze flicks up, to where there used to be a grassy lawn on the other side, trees, bushes, flowers. Now there's nothing but dust. It used to be so beautiful. ]


mmm with less html fail c_zacatechichi April 4 2011, 19:56:30 UTC
[Her kind are tempestuous, the Bohrre-na. With each of them entwined with the sonando smoke that nothing can fetter, not guilt, not restraint, their wrath can be unrepentantly cruel. Fela is well known for her temper, but she has done well to curb it in the Gardens. She had not tormented the girl, who had insulted Mahalia, with an endless onslaught of horrific nightmares.

And she does not, at this moment, do more than look over her shoulder, eyes smoldering dark.]


[Who did such a thing and then kept the decayed world in their mind as a prize?]


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