Party at the Temple!

Mar 03, 2011 15:17

Characters: Everyone and anyone who wants to come, anyone happening across the new temple, and those dragged along by them
Date: March 3rd through 6th! People can pop in and out on any of the three days Melia is holding the temple dedication.
Summary: A party thrown for the grand opening and dedication of the Temple of Zephyr!
Warnings: Drunken ( Read more... )

jolyne kujo

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Melia's hyperspeed greetings mutationisgreat March 3 2011, 20:24:42 UTC
Under the effects of the Passionfruit Delight, Melia's normal outgoingness is even more intensified. She moves around at almost hyper speed, greeting and hugging and flirting with everyone in sight (the flirting only with those of adult age). In short, it is almost like she is under the effects of the other chocolates all at once.


violent_archery March 3 2011, 20:41:05 UTC
Setsuko had a delicious strawberry creme chocolate earlier... so what she's doing when she suddenly gets a hug? She (somewhat awkwardly, as if she's trying to fight it) smiles and hugs back.

Somewhere deep inside, she's screaming at herself and telling herself to stop this nonsense.


mutationisgreat March 3 2011, 20:45:40 UTC
"Why, such beautiful hair!" Melia could not stop herself from stroking Setsuko's hair. "Come on, feel free to enjoy yourself."


violent_archery March 3 2011, 20:54:13 UTC
"Thanks," Setsuko's smile became more sincere(?), though that might have just been the chocolate, "You're uh... really green?"

Wait, just what is she looking at right now? She thinks that, but she's unable to actually voice it.

"... it's a nice color," she adds.

Why is she saying these things to somebody she just met?!


mutationisgreat March 3 2011, 21:12:35 UTC
"Would you like me to teach you how to compliment a woman?"


violent_archery March 3 2011, 21:26:09 UTC

"Yeah, that'd be nice..." Setsuko said, despite her inner turmoil, "I've never really..." she just kind of trails off awkwardly.


mutationisgreat March 4 2011, 07:05:57 UTC
"I know it can be difficult, but it helps to say it with more confidence. Such as 'You have an absolutely lovely shade of green to your skin.'" She caresses Setsuko's cheek. "Or 'Your skin is a joy to touch in its softness.' Each woman is individual, but most people like it when you compliment something they put loving effort into. Such as their manner of dress if it has a clear style to it, or their hair if obvious effort has been put into it. But do take care about complimenting makeup especially when deliberately applied in a subtle manner. Rather than complimenting them on their skillful makeup, try commenting on the effect such as the glow to their cheeks."

She pauses. "For those who put far less effort into their appearance, you can still compliment them on how lovely you find some striking feature. Or on some manner of skill they have displayed such as their skill at arms or just the smoothness of their motion. 'You move with the grace of a true warror.'" The way she said that was clearly addressed at Setsuko.


violent_archery March 4 2011, 19:14:48 UTC
"T-thanks," she said uncertainly, though it wasn't quite clear if she was thanking her for the lessons or the compliments or... what. She wasn't sure herself, actually.

Setsuko was turning a bit red... normally she wouldn't be like this... right? She was rather confident in the things she believed to matter.

Not that she could say so.

"Now I just have to think of something else to say besides your suggestions," Setsuko said lamely.


mutationisgreat March 7 2011, 16:05:37 UTC
"If words fail you, just show your most dazzling smile. I am most confident that it will truly be a beautiful, dazzling smile."


k0kka March 3 2011, 20:55:15 UTC
Paderau is watching the other priestess with a grin. Someone's been eating the chocolate, and Paderau's got no complaints, she's just waiting her turn.

"How are you feeling there, Melia?"


mutationisgreat March 3 2011, 21:15:18 UTC
Paderau's hug is just as warm as the others. "I feel so excited! I hope to see many happy faces eating what I've laid out for them, and to see this place filled with beauty."


k0kka March 3 2011, 21:19:09 UTC
She hugs her back, laughing. "Beauty, huh? And just what's our definition of that for today?"


mutationisgreat March 3 2011, 21:22:20 UTC
"Why, there is not a single woman not beautiful in those entire gardens. I might fault the Queen for many things, but I cannot fault her taste in women."


k0kka March 3 2011, 21:28:51 UTC
"Stop, you're gonna make me blush."

She leaves her arm looped lazily around the hostess as she gazes out over the others as they arrive, peering around and chattering with one another curiously.

"Dunno if the other ladies would be so kind in their assessment."


mutationisgreat March 4 2011, 12:32:55 UTC
Her own arm remained around the other woman. "Their opinions do not change the truth. Of course, that truth only exists in the eyes of some, but it is still truth to me."


sageofthewest March 3 2011, 21:05:02 UTC
Someone has been carefully avoiding that chocolate, but that doesn't mean she isn't in good spirits. She's wandering about the temple--it reminds her of her mismatched house. Melia might like that.

"It looks wonderful."


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