Nov 15, 2005 19:43
*Yawns widely* Why does the computer now make me tired? Maybe I'll go to sleep early tonight...
Well, today was basically uneventful, I suppose. We started watching "Troy" in Ancient Civ, but I'm really angry that they showed "Helen's" face. The girl- while pretty- is hardly the beauty Helen is described as being. Hell, Hector's wife was prettier than Helen was! Grr, they've ruined it. I will never see Helen as that girl and it makes me angry that Hollywood would be cocky enough to ruin the myth of Helen.
Okay, back to apathy... Lol
*Yawns again* Watching an old L&O and roleplaying an SGA AU rp. I'm pretty sure I have no homework, for which I am thankful, and am fully enjoying that lack thereof. But for now, I must go do a chore so that I don't fry my brain and get all tired again. ^^ Post tomorrow; unfortunately, it doesn't look like anything interesting will be happening any time soon, though I am working Friday night and going to Homecoming on Saturday.
She who can't help but be sleepy,
~ V.