(no subject)

Jun 14, 2007 21:52

ok today was officially one of the best days of my life...

clarke woke me up this morning (he had a personal day off from work, he gets those once a month), and told me 'you have 45 minutes to meet me at the car'. he's got a surprise outing planned! so i get up, get ready, and we all pile into the car. we end up at the ZOO, which i've been wanting to visit for quite some time. clarke drops julian and i off at the front gates, we walk up to the entrance and who walks out but my BFF NIKKI with her baby boy joey! holy crap, my husband and my wife were in cahoots about planning this zoo trip for me for like a week apparently. anyway, we spent a few glorious hours at the zoo and i got to take about a zillion photos and it was just plain awesome. many many MANY pictures to come...

i also got my hair cut and dyed tonight. i got them to match the colour to my roots somewhat (a touch warmer) so that i could just leave it the hell alone and grow it out naturally. it's a bit darker than my natural hair colour right now but it'll fade. the thing i'm really disappointed with is my hair cut. she cut it WAY shorter than i wanted and less angled than i wanted. but oh well, it's only hair and it will grow back and even in a couple of weeks i bet i'll feel much better about it.

today was the greatest day i've ever known (in recent times).

sometimes i really love my life.
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