time to play.

Jan 04, 2011 22:29

[Mirrors around the Garden come to life all at once, featuring a little girl with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face. She giggles mischeviously.] Yay, I escaped my bed time!

[As she takes a better look around, her face falls deathly serious in that way only small children can achieve. After a moment, she whines.] You guys! This place is boring! You've had sooo much time to make it fun! Look, just get some dirt from the wild places and make a wish. [Huffing.] Grownups have no imagination.

It's a good thing you have me around. I made all those boring stupid houses are much better! Try making stuff like that from now on, okay?

[Beaming.] Have fun!

[OOC: The Necessities have settled down! Characters will now find nine fixed places for their needs. ...Only they've all turned into giant playhouses, big LEGO houses, and vast bouncy castles.]

the girl (npc), *vine

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