
Dec 18, 2010 00:10

Progress on killing the Queen: Slow, but remaining optimistic ( Read more... )

stephanie brown, maria traydor, ichirin kumoi, noi, *vine

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[text] quarkleader December 18 2010, 16:39:41 UTC
You might want to make sure that killing the Queen won't ruin our chances of going back to our own worlds. Not all of us are content with just making ourselves at home here, you know.

Detective or not, the anchors are something I still want to investigate.


thetrueblow December 18 2010, 17:46:41 UTC
Fine, I'll beat her into a bloody useless pulp and then force her to bring us back. Happy?

So I'm not the only one who paid attention to the High Priestess saying that.


quarkleader December 18 2010, 22:32:42 UTC
If that's the way you want to do things.

Believe me, at least a few of us want to know about the anchors. We just don't have any real clues to go on, apart from what the High Priestess said... which was nothing short of vague to begin with.


thetrueblow December 18 2010, 22:34:21 UTC
I'd really rather prefer to kill her. That's worked out much better for me, every time.

Queen of Hearts, High Priestess, Damsel, Warrior Princess, Vamp... are there any I missed?


quarkleader December 18 2010, 22:56:03 UTC
You live in that kind of world, I take it?

I think that's all the ones we've heard from.


thetrueblow December 19 2010, 00:41:13 UTC
I don't know where you come from, but if you beat someone into paste but let them live, that's a problem that's going to bite you in the ass later.

Kill them, though, and there's no worries about that!

And none of them have real names.


quarkleader December 20 2010, 15:04:06 UTC
... Sounds like a pretty terrible world, frankly.

We know we're in a strange world when the Queen's cohorts can call themselves things like "Damsel" and "Vamp" unironically.


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