have yourself a merry little...something

Dec 15, 2010 13:27

[The mirror pops into view, flickers a few times, then reveals the Queen of Hearts once again, still against a dark background. This time, there's a holly wreath perched atop her hair.]I'm sorry I haven't had the time to listen to all your helpful suggestions, darlings! It turns out creating a world is hard work...ahahaha, who knew ( Read more... )

rosalina (super mario galaxy), anna lin, saber (arturia), grell sutcliffe, peregrine mendicant, *vine, kazumi hagino, saber (nero), *action, fate t. harlaown, amamiya sakurako, america, nausicaä, france, asami iwasawa, the phoenix, stephanie brown, maria traydor, winry rockbell, argent ephemeral, the queen of hearts (npc), estellise sidos heurassein, xion (kingdom hearts), oerba dia vanille, lamia loveless, hina kagiyama, sora himoto, teresa (claymore), hayate yagami

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promoted_pawn December 15 2010, 22:14:29 UTC
[PM has been collecting fruit in the Orchard, using one of her mailboxes to carry her small bounty. The mistletoe hanging from a random branch of an apple tree causes her to stop and stare.]

What is that...?


bugcharmer December 16 2010, 00:38:59 UTC
I'm not sure.

[Nausicaä pauses in passing. She has an armful of dead tree branches - firewood, apparently.]

I've never seen it at home.


promoted_pawn December 16 2010, 00:46:09 UTC
[PM looks down briefly at the newcomer, then looks back up at the strange plant. In a single smooth gesture, she pulls her sword from the sheath.] I wonder if we can eat it.


bugcharmer December 16 2010, 00:55:00 UTC
[PM does earn a curious glance. Nausicaä has never seen anyone quite like her - the smooth white shell, gray rags and all. Although she does remind her of the few worm-handlers she's met in her time. She steps back cautiously as the sword comes out. Not from any fear of hostility, of course. She just doesn't want to be in the way.]

Ah- I'm not sure if it's wise to try. It could be poisonous or at least harmful.

[She squints, looking up at the dangling plant.]

It doesn't look very edible.


promoted_pawn December 16 2010, 01:02:25 UTC
[She hesitates at the warning, giving the strange plant another thoughtful look before putting away her sword. Still, there's something about it...] I don't know very much about plants at all.

Still, it's better to assume you're correct and leave it alone.


bugcharmer December 16 2010, 01:06:18 UTC
I've spent a lot of time around them. Well, back home anyway. Although really, the only way to find out would be to try it...

[There is something, actually. It's a bit odd. She turns and offers a smile to the strange-looking woman.]

What's your name? I'm Nausicaä.


promoted_pawn December 16 2010, 01:14:33 UTC
[The hood gets tugged down so she can smile at her new acquaintance. She decides that she really needs to find something else to wear now that there isn't sand all over the place.] I'm the Peregrine Mendicant. You may call me something else, if that is too much of a mouthful!

It's nice to meet you, Nausicaä.


bugcharmer December 16 2010, 01:29:50 UTC
Likewise. It's a bit of an odd name, but... how does Peregrine sound?

[Well, she seems friendly enough. If odd looking.]


promoted_pawn December 16 2010, 02:00:22 UTC
That will do very wonderfully! [She hugs her fruit-filled mailbox, starting to feel a tad strange.]

It's a nice word. You could also call me PM, my initials. And um, one lady named Noi is calling me Mendy...


bugcharmer December 16 2010, 02:16:02 UTC
[Now that you mention it...]

I think Peregrine suits you perfectly.

[She smiles and shifts the load in her arms.]

You'll have to forgive me, I've never seen anyone quite like you....


promoted_pawn December 16 2010, 02:40:51 UTC
[She's getting used to comments along that line, but something about how Nausicaä says it is very complementary. PM certainly appreciates it, hugging the mailbox tighter.] Oh, there's no need to apologize! We don't really have many humans where I come from, so, curiosity is to be expected...


bugcharmer December 16 2010, 02:47:55 UTC
You're not human...?

[How curious. Still, it should've been obvious.]


promoted_pawn December 16 2010, 02:58:07 UTC
[She shakes her head.] I'm from a place called Prospit. All the people there are like me.


bugcharmer December 16 2010, 03:15:17 UTC
Oh! Well... It sounds like a very interesting place if everyone is like you.

[If they're going to stand there talking, she may as well put the wood down. She leans it up against a tree, swiping a hand across her brow as she eyes Peregrine. She sort of wants to... No. Just an odd thought.]


promoted_pawn December 16 2010, 03:33:48 UTC
[PM doesn't feel especially interesting, and thinks humans are much more so, with their predominant noses and pretty hair. In fact, Nausicaä's is very pretty. She resits the sudden impulse to ask if she can touch it.] Oh! Thank you, but I'm sure you come from someplace very interesting, too.

If I may ask, what is it like, Nausicaä? Your land? [Following her lead, she closes the top flap on the mailbox and sets it down in the soft dirt.]


bugcharmer December 16 2010, 03:57:03 UTC
[Nausicaä, for her part, finds the smooth, unbroken carapace-like skin to be fascinating. It's more like ah Ohmu's shell then human skin. She'd like to touch it, to see if it's as smooth as it seems, but that would be... odd of her, wouldn't it?]

It's a beautiful little valley by the sea... Althouhh most of the earth is covered by the Sea of Corruption. But even that has it's own beauty.


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