3rd Inversion [Vine/Video]

Dec 03, 2011 21:50

[Although many of the Garden's residents might have been hoping to never hear music again, anyone near the Vine will be treated to an impromptu concert of sorts. The mirror opens after the sun has set and the moon has risen to show the unusual sight of Akiha on her balcony overlooking the Orchard ( Read more... )

canada, akiha tohno, lambda-11

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html why... cobbledtogether December 5 2011, 23:56:28 UTC
[It's a bit odd waking up in the Tohno Mansion. Not because she can't remember how she got there, but because she can. She honestly doesn't remember ever being as small as she was the day before, and having all sorts of feelings and memories she doesn't recognize as hers... It would be distressing, if Lambda knew how to recognize such. As things are, she feels vaguely discontent, her lips set in a faint frown as she pads through the halls of the mansion.]

[She knows she has to see Akiha for- for some reason, so she searches her out with her usual single-minded determination. When she finds her room, she opens the door without knocking. (Ms. Battle Cyborg has yet to learn the importance of such, or the idea of private spaces.) This is probably the first time Akiha has seen her out of her armor, her unused Idea Engine floating behind her, taller than she is. With that being the case, it might take a moment to recognize her, but her voice is the same as ever when she speaks.]

Aki- [She pauses in mid-word, seeming to reconsider something. Then-] Akiha-sama.


ritsu_kouyou December 6 2011, 00:12:47 UTC
[The birds are oddly gone at the moment, though there may be a few errant burned feathers on the floor by the balcony. Akiha doesn't hear the door open over the sound of the violin as she plays, eyes closed as she, for the moment, is lost in the music looking relaxed and... dare one say pretty?

And then Lambda speaks, drawing Akiha from the musical reverie. Her eyes snap open with irritation at the intrusion into her personal quarters, but she doesn't say anything right away. It does take her a moment to identify the woman before her, brow furrowing for a few seconds before she places all the pieces.]

I see you've returned to yourself. [She draws the bow idly over the strings.] Next time you want to enter my room, knock on the door and wait to be acknowledged.


cobbledtogether December 6 2011, 00:30:37 UTC
...Yes. [Then:] Understood.

[With that said, she is quiet and still for a moment. Then, she moves to take a few more steps toward where Akiha stands on the balcony, having decided on what she wants to do.]


ritsu_kouyou December 6 2011, 00:48:12 UTC
[Akiha watches her curiously for a moment before gesturing to a bench on the balcony.]

You're welcome to sit and listen. I don't often have an audience when I play.


cobbledtogether December 8 2011, 23:34:22 UTC
[Oh, but that's not what she wants to do. She does let her gaze follow Akiha's gesture to the bench, but her eyes only linger on that for a moment before she's back to pursuing her goal with the kind of single-mindedness only a cyborg could possess. And the goal in question?]

[To give Akiha a hug.]

[Kris did say this was a way of showing appreciation for someone, after all, and despite her only rudimentary understanding of such concepts, she has evidently determined "appreciation" is the appropriate emotion to show now. When she's close enough, she moves to wrap her arms around Akiha, everything about the action vaguely awkward. She does think to pay mind to the instrument she is holding, though, making a point not to lean against it or trap it between their bodies.]

[She provides no explanation for this behavior. She doesn't think she needs to, so there is only silent hugging.]


ritsu_kouyou December 8 2011, 23:51:05 UTC
[Akiha wasn't sure why Lambda was approaching her like that, but the cyborg wasn't in battlemode and she didn't sense any hostility from her. So, she let Lambda draw close, a slightly confused expression on her face.

And then she was being hugged.]


[Akiha hasn't been hugged often in her life and this was completely unexpected. Her eyes widened, but she didn't fight it. She just didn't quite understand it, much like she didn't understand Kris. She moved the violin and bow out of the way. And a bit of color cropped up on her cheeks.]


cobbledtogether December 8 2011, 23:58:37 UTC
[She's not really sure how long hugs are supposed to last, but... Kris seemed reluctant to let go, so she'll probably just hold on until she's told to do otherwise. Also, still not explaining anything.]


ritsu_kouyou December 9 2011, 00:10:19 UTC

[Now Akiha feels awkward. She doesn't know if she wants to hug back and encourage this foolish display or push Lambda back. And her face is still a little flushed.]


[This isn't Kris would could take being pushed back and just roll with things. This is Lambda who really doesn't understand these kind of things. She might take being pushed back incorrectly. And Akiha... she wanted to encourage the cyborg's socialization, but this...]


[The hand she's holding the bow in raises up and is draped over Lambda's shoulder in a return of the gesture. The violin makes it hard to actually hug back, but Akiha's not sure if she wants to give a full hug back. This would have to do.]


cobbledtogether December 9 2011, 00:27:57 UTC
[Lambda is encouraged by the arm draped over her shoulder, not seeing the display as half-hearted herself. So, having been encouraged, she squeezes Akiha a little closer, being careful not to hold her too tightly. She still remembers Akiha advising her to be gentle with Hoppip, and she supposes the principle applies to displays of affection directed toward humans as much as it does to ones directed at animals.]

[...The thought of which reminds her that her pet has been left alone for over a day now. Though she can't put a name to the emotion herself, the revelation makes her feel guilty, both because she feels bad for having neglected it and bad for potentially disappointing Akiha. Somewhat sheepishly, she draws away.]

...I must return to Hoppip.

[There's an almost undetectable timidity to her voice, making her sound a bit like a child fearing a scolding.]


ritsu_kouyou December 9 2011, 00:39:03 UTC
[Akiha really hopes Lambda doesn't notice the color on her cheeks when she pulls back. That wasn't something she wanted to have to explain. Still, it was both a bit of relief and a disappointment when the hug ended.

...this was all Kris' fault. Stupid magician being all affectionate and touchy-feely.]

I'm sure it's missed you.


cobbledtogether December 9 2011, 00:44:36 UTC

[It gets excited whenever she returns after going out, so she supposes that's true. There's an awkward moment where she looks as though she wants to say something else but isn't quite sure what, but then she settles on,] Thank you.

[With that said, she turns to leave.]


ritsu_kouyou December 9 2011, 00:52:20 UTC
One moment, Lambda.

[Akiha then blinks, surprised at herself for stopping Lambda. Internally she shrugs and sighs. Too late now.]

Don't take too long. The mansion will be locked at 10pm. Be back before then.


cobbledtogether December 9 2011, 00:56:15 UTC
[Lambda stops when Akiha speaks again, immediately and obediently. At the command, she blinks and stares for a moment, obviously puzzled, but then she offers a slight nod.]

...Yes. Understood.


ritsu_kouyou December 9 2011, 01:00:02 UTC
...you may see if Hoppip likes the garden Kohaku has planted out back.


cobbledtogether December 9 2011, 01:05:32 UTC
[She nods again-] Understood. [-and waits to see if Akiha has anything further to say.]


ritsu_kouyou December 9 2011, 01:14:58 UTC
[Akiha then turns back toward the view from the balcony and raises the violin back into place. And then she begins to play again.]


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