2;; action, text (backdated a couple days)

Nov 10, 2011 17:13

[Blank wanders out of the Wild Places in significantly worse shape than when she entered. Clothes made filthy and torn, leaves in her hair - she hasn't bathed in days and walks with a noticeable limp from where she sprained an ankle tripping over a root. Yet she's humming excitedly to herself as she hobbles off toward the Monsigny apartment complex. Blank has removed her jacket, taken up the ends of it to create an improvised bag, and is toting around a fair amount of the magical dirt.

She reaches Gabrielle's apartment out of breath, but not enthusiasm; the hacker doesn't know yet that the room is empty.]

Gabby! Hey, open up - I got some of that magic dirt I read about! I bet we could make some cool stuff with it....like maybe your rifle, right? And some targets to practice with, and a sweet new spinny chair for me, and-

[No answer. Blank's smile falters a touch.]

Gabby? [But there's still no answer, because there's no one there. Blank goes to open the door.] ...Gabby?


I've been out of the loop for a long time, I think, so this might be old news to some of you: Gabrielle Monsigny has left. Or is just "gone", I guess, it's not like any of us can choose to get out of here.

She had been running an apartment complex while she was here. I'll be taking over as landlady - we're friends, so it shouldn't be a problem. If anyone ever needs a place to stay, there's more than enough room.

Oh, and I've got some magic dirt. Any takers?

- Dr. Blank.

[Blank goes to Gabrielle's apartment again, but only to lock the door - otherwise, it's left untouched. After a moment of just standing there, as if waiting for something, she goes to her own room to sulk for awhile.]

*action, dr. blank, *text, *vine

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