[On the mirror is a young girl, no less than seventeen. You would never guess she had a bit of wisdom beyond her years. After all,
she looks so happy with all these songbirds around, some braiding her hair and sneaking more flowers in it than usual, some just... resting on her head. She wanted them there, okay.]
Wei? Hehe, it's working! At least, I think it is. Hello! Wah, the birds are so adorable, aren't they? I wanna take them home! But... No one will tell me how to get there. Not even Mr. Kitty. It's really important that I get back, though. Today is October 11, so I'm turning a hundred today, soooo the fireworks this year will be super awesome for sure. Even better than what Teacher had at the Olympics!
So I want to know how to get to Taiwan from here. Will anyone tell me? Maybe we can talk and stuff along the way, too. And then you can give me presents! [ Laughs. ] Just kidding...