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text; prejudical October 9 2011, 00:03:03 UTC
Really, now. Isn't this a bit childish?


esoteric_rose October 9 2011, 02:59:58 UTC
Only the reactions are childish.


prejudical October 10 2011, 03:45:38 UTC
Perhaps because the source itself stems from gossip.


esoteric_rose October 10 2011, 03:56:20 UTC
Gossip, yes, but it is their choice to read it.


prejudical October 10 2011, 19:23:36 UTC
It is your choice to post it. In that respect, that means that you are no less childish than they are. Hiding under an anonymous guise does not make it any less immature.


esoteric_rose October 10 2011, 20:14:29 UTC
Let me ask you a frank question. Have you ever participated in something like this before?


prejudical October 10 2011, 20:16:09 UTC
If you mean posting gossip about others behind an anonymous mask, then no. I have not.


esoteric_rose October 10 2011, 20:17:07 UTC
No, I mean participating in something that could be construed as gossip.


prejudical October 10 2011, 20:20:33 UTC
Offhandedly, yes. I was not participating in the gossip itself, but rather trying to find the source and stop it.

As for sitting around and gossiping of others behind their backs? No, I have a reputation to uphold and I am not going to ruin by spreading rumors about others. Whatever I need to say, I will say it to whom it needs to be said to.


esoteric_rose October 10 2011, 20:23:26 UTC
Wonderful. We did need a few more paragons of virtue and morality. here. Helps balance out the "scoundrels" like me.


prejudical October 10 2011, 20:30:01 UTC
Do not mistake me for someone who is a goody two-shoes, I just do not see the appeal of second-hand talk about others when, most of the time, they would never dare speak it to their faces.

Cowards, rather than "scoundrels," would be a more correct term.


esoteric_rose October 10 2011, 20:45:05 UTC
One day, dear, you will meet me face to face. Then we shall see who the coward is.


prejudical October 10 2011, 20:56:29 UTC
Threatening me anonymously? That is certainly a good way to prove your maturity.


esoteric_rose October 10 2011, 20:59:07 UTC
Wanting to meet you face to face is now a threat? Oh goodness, I didn't know.

And I'm not so anonymous-I'd freely give my name, though no one ever asks.


prejudical October 10 2011, 21:07:58 UTC
Trying to prove that you are not a coward while hidden behind anonymity, as well as saying that we will see who the coward is once we do meet, does not exactly come off as a friendly invitation.

People are afraid to face the truth, I suppose. Wouldn't it be devastating to find out someone near and dear to you were the ones who are spreading rumors about you?


esoteric_rose October 10 2011, 21:14:46 UTC
Pity, you seem like such an interesting sort.

Wouldn't it. I've seen enough people driven to ruin over pithy words they place too much stake in.


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