[Having made her museum and library in collaboration with Reeve, Kuja is suffering from what she considers a terrible side effect. Her beautiful adornments and differences have been stripped from her, and now she resembles
a common Genome, plain, fair-haired, and with her tail showing. How humiliating. For the time being, she is only communicating via voice, though if one is nearby, one might encounter her in person.]
I have at last completed my work on the museum and library I promised. [She is standing near the Vine and uses the video function for long enough to display the structures as they stand in the midst of a clearing, but she stays out of view for the most part--but was that a flash of golden tail on one side of the mirror?] One may here find the art and literature of many worlds, assembled for the enlightenment and enjoyment of all. A collection without peer! Art here is not censored, not limited to a narrow range of subject matters. Thank you to all those who contributed to this project, and to those who would like to contribute in the future, we have more room in our halls and on our shelves.
Perhaps in future, I will add a theatre, so we may put on fine performances here.
If you would like to visit, you have only to ask the felines that patrol these grounds. I myself have no time to serve as a tour guide.
[[OOC: If interested, you may reply to Kuja here or go to
the related log and do whatever you wish! Go crazy! Though not in a world-destroying way, like Kuja.]]