003 ☠ video (accidental); forward dated to the 8th

Sep 04, 2011 21:56

[Zinc does not realize that the vine has chosen to record her at the moment. She has not noticed the curl of it amongst the foliage of a rather large dragon. Tropius does not belong to her, of course, she's Kuja's beast, but Zinc is very much coming to like the pokemon. It's obvious from the way she smiles at its appearance outside her gate, shuffling along. The dragon lowers its long neck into the courtyard of the zombie's enclosure.

And Zinc comes to take its head into her cold hands with a peaceful smile, pressing a kiss on its leafy head.]

Hello. [She's whispering to the creature, with more comfort and ease than she generally speaks to any of the humanoids here. It isn't surprising, Zinc knows she is an animal, at the heart of it; that it is animals with which she holds affinity.] Kuja didn't come with you? That's all right.

She wouldn't care much. But I'll tell you. [She strokes the dragon slowly.] I turn twenty-seven today.

[Even alone, confessing herself to a creature that cannot speak, her expression is cloudy, her voice tinged with sadness. The dragon makes a noise at her, nuzzling into her hands.]

Not that it matters. Corpses don't have birthdays. [She kisses Tropius's head again.] But it's nice to see you today anyway. [Her voice is very quiet as she closes her eyes, almost inaudible,] It's still lonely, without him.

*video, kuja (final fantasy ix), xion (kingdom hearts), gabrielle monsigny, *vine, zinc (original)

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