♣ 1 | Video ♣ [ Greece ]

Sep 01, 2011 09:58

[ Greece stands in front of the mirror, her face expressionless.

In a comfortable silence, she stares at the screen for a few seconds, while petting the cat she picked up in her arms. She's wondering if this is some sort of odd yet realistic dream. It wouldn't be the first time... However, never a dream had felt as real as now. ]

Is this...? [ Her voice shows to be low and calm. ] Hello. Is there anybody out there?

[ The cat meows gently and the brunette looks down to show it a soft smile. She then looks up again and blinks at the mirror. She would have poked it (as if it would do anything), however, that way, she would have to let go of the cat. And she doesn’t want to do that. Right now, that cat is the only thing that makes her feel a sense of normality, as far as she can, in such an unfamiliar place. ]

sebastienne michaelis, russia, iceland, *vine, dot (original), *video, greece, canada, north italy, ukraine, austria

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