Aug 17, 2011 20:10
So, it's probably fairly obvious that the current predicament is connected to the flowers. I know some of you are tearing them up, but I don't really see why we should be aiding our captors in maintaining our prison.
Why not let them grow and see what happens?
[And of course she sets the robots to work, once she shows them how to transplant and not kill, moving the flowers to one location she can watch over. Leafeon is supervising rather stoically. Lithuania is a bit worried about the effects any sort of tearing apart of the gardens here might have on her, but Lithuania wants to go home more than anything.
She doesn't think this will succeed, anyway--certainly her captors can destroy a few plants on their own. She'll probably be punished.
But she won't lie down like a dog and solve their problems in hope of treats.]
tenshi hinanai,
kuja (final fantasy ix),
utena tenjou,