one: action

Dec 04, 2010 00:21

[ Wishing on a star. Really? It seemed so... cliché. But, still, she stood tall with her back straight, her head lowered to the ground. Thinking, thinking, thinking. How did she word this? Should she wish for this?

She looks upward, towards the sky. ]

... I wish to visit the rose garden back home with Himeko once more.

[ The crack and boom makes her look down, to the side, and she sees the capsule. Delicately, she picks it up, and opens it.

A half of a seashell, on a necklace. Pale pink. Clearly put together by someone at home. She smiles, softly, though a bit bitter. ]

... I see.

hina kagiyama, *action, chikane himemiya

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