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Jul 08, 2011 19:48

[She knew better, really she did, but the dull edge of restlessness was just starting to get to her. Had been creeping, very slowly, she wasn't like Red, she could handle downtime and endless hours of bullshit recon with nothing but a cigarette for company. But it had found a catalyst in those fucking phantoms, a subtle itch that she just can't ( Read more... )

*video, sephiroth (final fantasy vii), *action, kuja (final fantasy ix), rude (final fantasy vii), reno (final fantasy vii), *vine

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tasercopter July 9 2011, 01:24:13 UTC
[Reno likes to hang around watching the Vine. It's not the best form of entertainment, but you never know when something interesting might show up on it. Though by "interesting" she doesn't mean suddenly getting an eyeful of her partner bleeding and barfing all over the place. What the fuck--?]

Be right there.

[She doesn't bother waiting for a response, waste of time. Reno doesn't need to be told about the medkit. She knows where it is, and she's out the door with it in a flash.

She knows where the caves are, too. In fact, she knows a lot for someone who acts like they loaf around drinking all day, probably because that's something of a deception. (Not that she doesn't actually drink, because she loves drinking.) But she's not being lazy now, and she arrives soon enough, medkit in hand, armed, and out of breath.]

What the hell happened to you?

[But she doesn't know if Rude can answer or not, and she's already kneeling beside her with the medkit open--there must be antidotes in there...]


noneedforheroic July 9 2011, 03:40:44 UTC
[Rude gives a bitter little laugh, always feels pretty patently ridiculous when she's got to let Reno be her nurse. She accepts it, better than she would somebody outside their team, but she doesn't like it.]

Hah. [Hack, hack, sputter.] Went spelunking.

[Caught the wrong end of some claws. No big deal. Her body wasn't trying to turn itself inside out in rejection of that poison or anything.]


tasercopter July 9 2011, 04:57:16 UTC
[There it is. This stuff should do the trick. Reno usually isn't the one to do the fixing up, but she knows how.]

Spelunking. Great. Couldn't you go spelunking in some pussy like a normal person? [She shakes her head.]

Like me, for instance. I don't go in caves lookin' for monsters. [She'd go in a cave full of monsters without a second thought if that was the order, and probably crack a joke about it, but what the hell is the point of going into a monster cave for no reason? It's not fun.]

If you were that bored, you could've told me.


noneedforheroic July 9 2011, 19:14:59 UTC
[She snorts, accepts the vial that she finally gets off red and chokes it down before another wave of muscle spasms and heaving can be set off. Good old fashioned Midgar medicine... She doesn't really want to think about what they'd use in a backwoods place like this. Thank all that was holy for the magic dirt.]

I can entertain myself.

[A pretty dry, pointless joke, but she's already on top of berating herself, taking in Reno's little rant isn't that much of a bruise.]


tasercopter July 10 2011, 04:19:33 UTC
There you go, drink up, baby. [She pats her jacket pocket, where she keeps her flask.] I've got something else for you to swallow if you take all your medicine, like a good girl.

You call this entertainment? I'd say you put on one hell of a show for yourself.

If you like it that rough, you don't need to go find yourself some monsters. [She winks. No sense being serious about the situation when the danger's passed.] I can get the job done.


noneedforheroic July 10 2011, 04:36:40 UTC
[She shakes her head.]

Yes, nurse.

[Her voice is a little hoarse, but maybe that's the least she deserves. She shouldn't humor Reno too much, but it's a hell of a lot easier than fighting her off, that's a lesson they took care of a long time ago.]

Take two slugs and fuck you in the morning.

[She lowers her head gingerly, where are Red's legs...]

Just gimme a minute.


tasercopter July 10 2011, 05:34:00 UTC
[She laughs.] That's Doctor Reno to you. I think I've been dealing with this kind of shit long enough to be qualified.

How'd you know that's always my prescription?

Don't worry, I don't shock poisoning victims for being slow. As long as they're not too slow. [She eyes her Electro-Mag rod meaningfully, though she's only joking.]


noneedforheroic July 10 2011, 18:47:17 UTC
Be a sad day when you're a doctor, Red.

[Nothing but morphine and nitros oxide and laudanum coming off that prescription pad, Rude can just imagine it.]


tasercopter July 13 2011, 02:41:21 UTC
Turk's more prestigious anyway. That way, I can get doctors to do what I want. [Sure, maybe they'd "reformed" in some ways, but that didn't mean they didn't have weight to throw around--not to mention power.]

Ha, you really got torn up. It's turning me on. [She hands over another item from the medkit.] Take this, too.


noneedforheroic July 13 2011, 23:49:47 UTC
Keep your schadenfreude in your pants.

[But yeah, maybe she's had her few minutes, can sit up and slug back that potion. Might be time to go get some water and some lunch soon. Then she could move back to booze.]


tasercopter July 14 2011, 19:13:06 UTC
You know how I feel about blood. [She grins.] Not like I want you to get hurt real bad.

You're looking better already.

So--why'd you go do something stupid anyway?


noneedforheroic July 15 2011, 15:53:51 UTC
[She casts Red a dry look around the rim of her sunglasses.]

Hadn't used up any of my stupid points lately, they were burning a hole in my pocket.

[There's no good answer to a question like that. Not much choice but to own up to carelessness and eat your slice of humble pie. Not that Reno would know what that tasted like.]


tasercopter July 25 2011, 00:18:23 UTC
[Reno gives a slow shake of her head.]

I guess I didn't teach you anything. If you're gonna do something stupid, you're supposed to have fun doing it.

Not get shredded by monsters. Can't take you anywhere. Not even to a sex garden. You should at least've tried hitting on someone stupid, first.


noneedforheroic July 25 2011, 03:30:28 UTC
[She rolls her head on her slowly, contemplating getting up.]

Trial and error, I'll keep it in mind for next time, now help me up, Doctor.


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