♕ [Video]

Dec 03, 2010 22:56

[A lady with a white carapace and near-featureless face peeks into the mirror. Atop her head is an incredibly old, battered, and filthy postal worker's hat, though she still wears the shift that she woke up in. She looks between the surface and an adjacent cat.] Is this correct...? [The cat is predictably unresponsive, so she turns back to the mirror.]

Greetings. To whomever wrote the invitation and the additional information, thank you. I'm assuming it wasn't the cat, but that's very impressive of you if you did! [Waving and smiling to the kitty.]

[And returning her attention to the mirror...] It is lovely here, and I appreciate the change of clothes. It has been a very long time.

...are you out there, my friends? My Queen? 

kanaya maryam, peregrine mendicant, *vine

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