{ eight.dots :: VIDEO.and.ACTION }

Jun 23, 2011 13:06

[Dot finds this whole 'behaving' thing to be really incredibly boring. It's a travesty, but she's really starting to get bored with sex too.]

This is almost as bad as the last time Esau grounded me. They just locked me in my room, let me go hungry and everything, not that it fuckin' mattered.

[Sitting in the grass, she has a jar full of bugs in ( Read more... )

dot (original), *video, epsilon (pluto), *action, reno (final fantasy vii), *vine

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[video] lovelikelight June 23 2011, 20:50:06 UTC
If you'd like to spend time together, Dot, I'd be happy to.

Is Jacob a friend of yours from home?


[video] dia_f June 23 2011, 21:06:13 UTC
[Dot just offers her a sullen expression.]

Hell no. He and his stupid brother fuckin' kidnapped me.


[video] lovelikelight June 23 2011, 22:12:28 UTC
I'm sorry. [She frowns.] They shouldn't have done that. At least you're free from them, here.

Are the others you mentioned your friends?


[video] dia_f June 23 2011, 23:59:56 UTC
[Dot lifts the heavy black necklace around her throat.]

Nah, I'm still fucking leashed, and the Queen's almost more strict about shit. Worst Esau ever did to me was ground me to my room, they've fuckin' monks, they're not gonna hurt me.

[She gives Epsilon a speculative sort of look.]

You really wanna hear about them?

[Because she'd love to talk about them. Loves the sound of her own voice, an awful lot.]


[video] lovelikelight June 24 2011, 00:47:50 UTC
I understand. The magic. [Magic is still new to her, but she's coming to understand it better.] I'm glad they didn't hurt you. Did they capture you because they considered you a danger to others? [She doesn't judge Dot for this, she's only curious.]

I'd like to hear about them, yes. [Epsilon likes to listen.]


[video] dia_f June 24 2011, 00:54:00 UTC
Yeah, they only catch us if we kill too many humans. Except Bal and Gareth, they were humans. Jacob did somethin' to Gareth, made him his dog. Gareth fuckin' hates him, but Gareth's a dick so nobody really cares. They bound some demon inside Bal, he's always whining about it, but he's okay once you get him to shut the fuck up. The demon's a good ride though.

[Dot sets aside her jar of bugs, looking at the mirror as he curls her fingertips over the toes of her shoes.]

There's about twenty of us, or something. Most of them have been there longer than me, except Jan and the other fishbitch.


[video] lovelikelight June 26 2011, 19:59:19 UTC
[She's unused to the way Dot speaks, but it doesn't bother her.] So where you live is a little like this? You're kept contained, for a purpose?

A person who's part fish, like a mermaid? [Epsilon smiles, a little apologetically, as she has only her children's fairy tales to go on, where such things are concerned.] We have no people of your kind in my world. Only humans, robots, and animals.

You must miss your friends.


[video] dia_f June 27 2011, 00:59:09 UTC
Kinda like this. [She lowers her chin to her knees.] Except there was more stuff to do, instead of just lying around.

[They could go out, as long as they behaved.]

I don't know how many things like us there are. I didn't know there were other monsters, until I met them. Cause I'm not really like them either.

[She frowns.]

And they're not my friends. Well. Some of them maybe. But not must of them. Polina's a fucking cunt.


[video] lovelikelight June 28 2011, 19:07:21 UTC
What was there for you to do there? Things you can't do here?

[She nods, interested.] You're not human, but you're not a separate species?

I see. It's easy for tensions to run high in a closed group like that. I'm glad you have some friends there.


[video] dia_f June 29 2011, 16:51:36 UTC
There was actual technology and shit. This place is worse than when I was kid.

[She still only looks about eighteen or nineteen as it is...]

I was born from some human bitch, like almost a century and a half ago. [Nice way to talk about your mom, bitch.] But I'm the only one like me.

Most of us are like that. Unique, but... [She pauses to think up an example.] Like the nightmares. They're all dreams, but they're of different things and they, uh... manifest differently.


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