nine ❚ locked to typeright.

Jun 16, 2011 00:56

[ After being shot, Em thought she was going to die. The slow bleeding, the pain, the whole despair of the situation. So when there was a flicker of hope in the form of a very unusual method of magic - for her, at least - she could almost cry in relief when salvation came. Still, she hasn't recovered fully. Not because it still hurts, no, although sometimes the very fresh memory wakes her up at night, but because she's afraid of going out, of leaving the comfort zone that she likes, afraid that if she leaves her room she will see the soldier again and she just can't.

Ellie has been great so far. She feels guilty being like that around her, who has lived such a nightmare before all this, but she can't help it. Em can't shake off the feeling and the sound and the smell of the whole thing that happened just a few days before.

So she's laying in bed, slightly curled up on her side, wearing a big comfortable jumper and curled under the sheets, even if it's not that cold, but that's how she feels protected right now.

Then there's a knock on the door of her room and it takes her a while to reply, but eventually she sighs: ]

I'm just resting, Ellie, I'm fine.

*action, jules grumley, emilia gorski

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