✎ iii. (video)

Jun 14, 2011 23:05

( Ah, convenience. Or inconvenience, really, how the Vine is so intent on catching these scenes. Jules is in her kitchen, sitting down with a couple of steaming mugs. Tea, one could assume. With her is a blonde woman; a little taller than Jules, and she speaks with a soft Irish accent just slightly tempered by years of London exposure.

Jules slides ( Read more... )

*video, stephanie brown, alfimi einst, oerba yun fang, reno (final fantasy vii), jules grumley, *vine

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Comments 50

alchemistsquery June 14 2011, 17:30:15 UTC
This mirror is showing me people. I don't understand why.


typeright June 14 2011, 20:43:20 UTC
Oh, hello! ( She totally waves a bit. ) The Vine is a bit tricky to get used to, at first. Are you new?

( HOORAY a topic that means she can ignore the ex-girlfriend manifestation ugh ugh get it awaaaaay )


alchemistsquery June 14 2011, 20:45:46 UTC
Hello. I am Alfimi. [She waves back, her hand moving slowly.] Yes, I arrived here not long ago at all. I'm not sure why I'm here.


typeright June 14 2011, 20:54:42 UTC
Alfimi. That's a very pretty name, actually. Alfimi. ( Repetition, to commit it to memory. )

Mm, it's rather a puzzle. There's theories and thoughts that fly around a bit, although the basic reasoning would be that the Queen brought us here. You've been all right since you arrived, I hope?


gravityfists June 14 2011, 17:50:20 UTC
Wow. That was like tuning into daytime TV. Really, really British daytime TV.

-I'm still waitin' on the plot twist.


typeright June 14 2011, 20:39:09 UTC
( Ah... ha. That would be a quiet laugh, beause and she's shaking her head. ) No plot twist, I'm afraid. My life at home is rather unbelievably unexciting, by comparison to some of the other ladies here.

( her smile is bright! And friendly. Nothing wrong here, nope. No way at all. ) I don't believe we've met.


gravityfists June 14 2011, 20:43:14 UTC
“Unbelievably exciting” is just code for “nobody tries to maim me on a regular basis.” Consider yourself lucky!

[ she gives a little wave ] Batgirl. If you need to remember it, just think of a bat. Who's also a girl.


typeright June 14 2011, 20:46:10 UTC
That is an excellent way to think of it, actually. ( Can you drink tea with a sense of awww yeah? Because she totally just did. ) I'll make sure to remind myself of that.

Ah, ha. Batgirl, yes. Well, I'm sure I haven't met another Batgirl, so the odds of names becoming confused is extremely slim. It's very nice to meet you!


tasercopter June 14 2011, 20:15:17 UTC
Is that one of the fake people? [She's not sure, since they were being so--polite. But she hasn't seen that other one before, and it seemed like something was going on.]

If it is, you need to punch her in the face. [Jules doesn't seem like a "punch in the face kind of girl", though, so Reno amends.] Slap her in the face.


typeright June 14 2011, 20:42:07 UTC
Yes, I suppose it rather is.

( Her eyebrows raise a little, and it's just a second before she manages a rather startled kind of laugh. ) Oh, no! Rachel and I are entirely amicable. There's no need for punching or slapping or other forms of violence to be resorted to.

( Rachel just smirked into her tea at the suggestion, and gives Reno a tiny wave. )


tasercopter June 14 2011, 20:52:12 UTC
So you got visited by one of them, and it's someone you get along with fine, who doesn't bother you? [Reno doesn't buy it.]

[She doesn't wave back.] Yeah, you don't need to, but it might be fun. [She shrugs.] Doesn't matter if they're not real.

I got to kill my boss a few times, who wouldn't like that? [She is grossly distorting what happened and making a joke out of it, but that's her way.]


typeright June 14 2011, 21:01:03 UTC
In a nutshell! I'm nothing if not extremely fortunate. ( But seriously. After what she's seen on the Vine lately, she can hardly complain about tense conversation over tea. It's a walk in the park, to be quite honest.

Ah, haha. Jules smiles, though it's not a completely relaxed expression. That said, she shakes her head at Reno in a very amused fashion.. ) You aren't taking advantage of the ghosts for the sake of whims, I hope, Reno?


video; aureation June 14 2011, 21:34:54 UTC
[Gabrielle seems to be doing better now than she was a few days ago; her poise remains, elegance not washed away by sorrow, she tilts her head a bit-a slightly amused expression on her face.]

Seems like you lucked out.


video; typeright June 14 2011, 21:39:09 UTC
( Jules is pouring herself a fresh cup of tea, and is now going to dump about five teaspoons of sugar in.

Usually she just has a couple; maybe three, tops. )

Doesn't it? It's wonderful! ( oh sincerity, what happened to you! But no, she really is trying to be super optimistic, here. )


video; aureation June 15 2011, 23:56:45 UTC
[Her eyes glance from the teacup, back to Jules. Gabrielle can read her nervousness, but she does not comment on it. For now.]

Who is she?


video; typeright June 16 2011, 00:05:26 UTC
She is Rachel!

( Illuminating, Jules. LE BRIGHT SMILE. It's all good, everything is happy, and you know she's going to add some more sugar. )


video; brands June 15 2011, 02:59:54 UTC
Something's up.

[It's said as a statement, not a question. Fang eyes the phantom suspiciously, and her eyes narrow.] There's no way you got out easy after what everyone else put up with.


video; typeright June 15 2011, 03:05:10 UTC
( The phantom eyes her right back, looking vaguely amused, and not necessarily in a pleasant, friendly way. ) Interesting friends you have here.

( Jules just shoots the phantom a brief look, before dragging up a smile - admittedly, a little subdued. ) My bad days are rather simpler than other people's bad days. I count myself as thankful, really.


video; brands June 15 2011, 03:08:54 UTC
[Fang smiles, but it's not friendly. Her eyes are sharp, cold.] Yeah, I'm real interesting. You got something else to say?

[Her expression softens, a fraction, when she addresses Jules.] Bad days are still bad days. [she jerks her head in the direction of the phantom.] I could take care of that problem for you. Should be easy enough.


video; typeright June 15 2011, 03:15:07 UTC
( The phantom just gives a faintly mocking look towards the mirror, rolling her eyes a bit as she sips some more tea. ) I'd rather save my breath.

( That earns the ghost a sharp look from Jules, a rebuking Rachel! before she rubs her forehead, tries another smile - more forced, now - and wrinkles her nose apologetically. ) Sorry. Um. If it's not too much trouble-- ( But she pauses, looking guilty. ) She's just a normal person. Not like the kind of... horrible things that have been popping up. ( Attacking her isn't quite something she's up for, truth be told.

No, she instead tries a bit more cheer. ) It could have been much worse. My brother's fiancee is utterly unbearable.


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