nine | video | (batgirl)

Jun 13, 2011 16:36

[ a vigilante wakes up in an alternate universe, suits up, and is promptly attacked by the Vine. Batgirl's barely tugged her cowl back on when the mirror leaps out at her, and for the first few seconds, the transmission consists mostly of spandex-clad hands wrestling with it, trying to turn it skywards ] Goddammit, don't you know that I'm only supposed to come out at night? What part of Dark Knight don’t you get? [ frustrated, she hits the front of the mirror. It doesn’t seem to mind, and just backs off, getting a full shot of her. Batgirl takes a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose. Talking to plants is never a good way to start your day ]

… it's sentient. Don't try telling me the Vine doesn’t understand puns.

[ she straightens up, putting on her Serious Face ]

If this is another girls-only alternate universe, you guys are gonna have one pissed Bat on your hands. I'm not even kidding. I was just given a shiny new secret hideout full of futuristic gadgets that put the iPhone 4 to shame, a new car, a sidekick-slash-stalker, and I invented Magnaelectrogooparangs. I had Reapers to reap! I was going places! And now? Now this.

I need a roll call, the 411, and something shockingly unhealthy to eat.

stephanie brown, athena fairchild, grell sutcliffe, *vine, *video, oerba yun fang, canada, france

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