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[action] tasercopter June 10 2011, 03:38:22 UTC
Hey, asshole. [Reno didn't catch the whole conversation, but she doesn't care for anyone messing with Kitty. More than that, Reno likes fighting. She hasn't had much opportunity to kick any asses, and this chick with the sword looks like an ass that's ripe for kicking. Reno twirls her Electro-Mag Rod as she comes closer. Fucking swords. Can't trust anybody with a sword. They're nothing but trouble.]

Better back the fuck up before you piss me off.


Re: [action] persical June 10 2011, 05:07:19 UTC
[the blonde woman gasps, clinging tighter to her object of affection. Claire looks up hastily.]

R...Reno? I--...no, this is just...it's a misunderstanding, it's not his--her fault...

[but "Veigue" narrows her eyes at the intruder, sword still held ready.]

The King's Shield? If you try to lay a hand on Claire again, I'll kill you.


[Claire jumps to her feet, trying to get between them.]

Please don't fight! You don't have to fight...


[action] tasercopter June 10 2011, 05:23:48 UTC
King? I don't work for any king, I work for the president. [Reno thinks this is a very important point that needs to be made.] And I don't give a shit about blondie back there.

[Reno might like fighting, but she doesn't mind trash talking first.] This is your last warning. I'm gonna kick your ass.

[She eyes Claire.] You're kind of in my way, Kitty. [She might be ignoring the fact that that's the point.] It's cool, I can take this jerk.


[action] persical June 10 2011, 05:30:02 UTC
[she shakes her head vehemently.]

This is Veigue...h--...she's important to me. Even if she can't accept the truth right away, I can't let her get hurt.

[the woman shifts, putting an arm protectively in front of her blonde companion and gesturing her backwards and out of harm's way. She then grips the hilt of her sword with both hands, shifting into a fighting stance.]

Get out of the way, Agarte.

I'm telling you, I'm not Agarte! I'm Claire!


[action] tasercopter June 10 2011, 06:03:59 UTC
Kitty, did you miss the memo? [Or did Reno forget to tell you important information?] There's these fake people walking around, saying shit just to bother you.

That's probably not your real fake brother. Sister. Whatever. [The fact that she already calls Veigue Claire's "fake brother" is a little confusing, and Reno's explanation is perhaps vague enough to not be very helpful.] So let me deal with it.

[Now Reno jumps in front of Claire. Reno's good at jumping, and she's been wondering if you could actually fight one of these things. She's missed fighting, and since this chick is (probably) not real, it should be fine, right? Not thinking things through, as usual, she takes a swing at Veigue with her rod.]


[action] i can html persical June 10 2011, 14:55:16 UTC
Fake...? But it can't be! How can you be sure--

[she doesn't exactly have any combat reflexes, though, and once weapons are swinging she won't chance getting between them. She claps her hands together tightly, paling. Despite her childhood friend's harsh words, she doesn't want either of them hurt.]

[Veigue dispenses with any more formalities and swings her blade up in a smooth arc, metal clanging against metal. There's power behind it, but it's a heavy weapon and while she's fast, she's not as fast as Reno--or a certain someone else with a sword, for that matter. That might be to the redhead's advantage. She draws back for an offensive strike of her own, the blade cutting diagonally down across where Reno's body should be.]


[action] tasercopter June 14 2011, 03:06:01 UTC
Cause I know, Kitty! I've seen it.

[Aw, this chick's not as bad as Cloud or a Remnant, and they're no trouble. (So Reno thinks, though she has never successfully beaten Cloud or Remnants--but she's still alive, isn't she? That's like winning.) Reno jumps back, easily avoiding the swing.]

If it was really your guy, she'd be all 'Oh, what's this place, who's the Queen, I'm an idiot who just showed up'. [Even in the middle of a fight, as she dodges Veigue, Reno makes time for a mocking impression of new arrivals.]

[She darts forward again and tries to sneak in a quick blow--if she can just shock the girl, it'll knock her out.]


[action] persical June 15 2011, 17:22:55 UTC
Seen...? What does that mean? What makes a "fake" person...

[Reno's words do make sense, but so did Veigue's...the reaction she'd imagined when he saw her like this. Not looking like herself. It hurts to think about, that her own childhood friend wouldn't recognize her. Maybe she doesn't believe in him as much as she thought she did.]

["Veigue" draws back for a horizontal slice, braid arcing through the air behind her, just missing her opponent. The rod clacks against the side of her breastplate, delivering enough of a jolt to make her stumble. She snarls in pain, dropping to one knee, sinking her blade point-first into the ground to steady herself.]

[the blond girl, meanwhile, doesn't look the least bit perturbed that her "protector" isn't doing so well.]

So you've got yourself a new girl that actually likes that ugly body! Well, good for you!

[she laughs mockingly, and Claire grimaces, uneasy at hearing such cruel words spoken with her own voice.]Your Majesty, if that's really you--I don't bear you any ill will. I'm sure you ( ... )


[action] tasercopter June 15 2011, 19:25:04 UTC
[Reno laughs mockingly as Veigue stumbles, and uses the break to explain better.] Some illusions the Queen made, like people's dead relatives and exes and friends, saying things to fuck with them. They're like ghosts, they ain't real, and they disappear if you give 'em shit back.

[She rolls her eyes at the blond girl.] That's enough out of you, sweetheart. [She flicks her wrist, and suddenly, a pyramid of light appears, surrounding the girl, trapping her inside. Of course, all someone's got to do to get rid of it is hit it real hard from outside, but it's a good distraction--and sometimes hitting it hard means hitting the person inside, if you don't do it right. Always good for a laugh.]

[She turns to wink at Claire.] Don't worry, Kitty, you're lookin' good.


[action] persical June 16 2011, 04:34:31 UTC
Ghosts... [but their pain looks so real, she winces in sympathy, biting her lip to keep herself from crying her friend's name.]

[the other girl, meanwhile, protests her imprisonment loudly, but her voice is muffled and indistinguishable through the magical barrier. "Veigue" roars in fury, lurching to her feet and charging recklessly. Claire gasps.]

Reno, look out!


[action] tasercopter June 17 2011, 05:28:32 UTC
[Reno doesn't have enough time to throw down another pyramid, but she fortunately has enough time to jump out of the way, and her greater speed comes in handy as the fake Veigue slashes at her. She doesn't mind beating a retreat. Better than getting cut up.]

Calm down, asshole! You're gonna actually piss me off in a minute.

[Kitty really needs to deal with this shit.] Tell it to get lost!


[action] persical June 17 2011, 15:32:02 UTC
[she's not sure how her words will have any more effect than they did before, but she's certainly not going to stand for her friends getting hurt. It's worth a try.]

Stop it, right now! Veigue wouldn't do something like this!

[and with that, the phantom dissolves in mid-swing. Claire gasps again, not expecting anything of the sort, and stares at the spot her friend occupied just seconds before.]

Wh-...what just--...


[action] tasercopter June 18 2011, 06:23:03 UTC
[Reno relaxes at once, then smiles, as if this were all a game.] Told ya.

They're not real. Just fakes. Magic or something.


[action] persical June 18 2011, 16:58:53 UTC
Not real... [her heart is still thudding in her chest. As glad as she is that it wasn't really Veigue that rejected her, the whole ordeal was startling.]

Magic? Force? No...things are different here, aren't they.

[her gaze is drawn back to the blonde girl, glaring at her from her prison.]

So then that isn't really her Majesty, she could be--...why did the other one disappear? Was it because of what I said?


[action] tasercopter June 18 2011, 18:19:22 UTC
Yeah, they show up to bug you, but if you give 'em shit back, they disappear. It's a trick. The Queen's messing with our heads. Psychological warfare, you know?

[She nods toward the girl in the pyramid.] I'm sure that one's another fake, since they were together.


[action] persical June 20 2011, 16:48:22 UTC
The Queen? Why would she do something like this? It's terrible, it's... [making loved ones say such horrible things...]

[she turns to the impostor, thinking for a moment. If words alone make them disappear--courage, it seemed--then she could be strong.]

Don't mock Agarte's feelings. She was troubled, but not cruel. I'm sure she'll be able to grow and accept the burden her father left her with.

[it feels so strange to say that to her own face, twisted with such an unfamiliar emotion, but she stands firm, waiting until the last wisps of white have disappeared from the glowing prism.]

[then she sits abruptly, taking a few deep breaths. She's a tough girl, but not that tough.]


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