šešios} action/vine

Jun 07, 2011 21:03

((OOC: Red is Poland))

[The vine clicks on after a moment, all on its own.]

[Lithuania is sitting near a river at the edge of the gardens, and someone else is sitting next to her. She hasn't been in the gardens before, but the other nations will recognize this as Poland--and in Lithuania's time, they're two halves of one Commonwealth ( Read more... )

*action, russia, lithuania, *vine

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beerjugs June 8 2011, 01:11:50 UTC
This is all your fault. Why did you have to let her follow you here?! [Her voice comes from a short distance away]


wow I'll get this HTML right eventually... rueandwolf June 8 2011, 01:17:28 UTC
[Lithuania is startled.] W-what? What are you talking about...

[Poland just turns to smile at Prussia.] Well, lots of things are Liet's fault, you can't, like, expect her to remember all of them. Details, details!


beerjugs June 8 2011, 01:20:18 UTC
Oh shut up, you. I was finally enjoying the peace and quiet.


rueandwolf June 8 2011, 01:23:02 UTC
Like, no way, the area's a total mecca for boring emotionally-stunted losers, I'm the only thing that makes it cool. I mean, just look at you two.


beerjugs June 8 2011, 01:29:52 UTC
[She's almost forgotten how grating Poland can get, so she takes a hand to her forehead, rubbing at her palm]

Well you just shut it? And they say I'm the annoying one.


rueandwolf June 8 2011, 01:34:53 UTC
[Lithuania seems to be attempting to curl in on herself.]

No way, someone's gotta be the social one. We all know she's not gonna be.


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