❄ 5 | action

May 23, 2011 00:24

[If you have a keen nose or happen to be passing by the spaceship, if might become apparent that someone's spent the better part of the day baking with maple syrup. (Adversely, if you happen to be inside the spaceship, chances are good you've already found the freshly baked stash of maple cookies big enough to feed the Royal Canadian Air Force ( ( Read more... )

prussia, seychelles, yuyuko saigyouji, lithuania, *action, canada, rude (final fantasy vii), ukraine, zenobia (original), america, jill half-a-prayer, ellie linton

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beerjugs May 23 2011, 05:54:42 UTC
[If, by any chance, the ball happens to bounce off the wall and past Canada's net...

Then it may smack Prussia square in the forehead. Serves her right for not paying attention]


welljustwatchme May 23 2011, 05:59:02 UTC
[Actually, yes, that does happen. Precisely as predicted.

And as Canada turns to retrieve it, stick still up and not noticing the elder woman, Prussia will be getting hit square in the cheek with the hardened net if she doesn't move fast.]


beerjugs May 23 2011, 06:22:40 UTC
[The ball she can handle! The stick to the face, on the other hand, is an unpleasant surprise. She stumbled to the floor, clutching the side of her temple]

Have you lost your mind?!


welljustwatchme May 23 2011, 06:28:48 UTC
[That high pitched noise you just heard? Was Canada shrieking in surprise. And the clattering was her dropping the lacrosse stick and then dropping to her knees next to Prussia.]

Oh, my word, I'm so sorry. I didn't even know you were there!


beerjugs May 23 2011, 06:31:53 UTC
I didn't even get to make you squeak this time, little one.


welljustwatchme May 23 2011, 06:38:03 UTC
Why were you sneaking up on me, anyway? And is your face alright?


beerjugs May 23 2011, 06:41:21 UTC
Sneaking! I followed the smell of food!

[She does rub her bruised her cheek. thoughtfully] I'll live. What's more scar to a beautiful face?


welljustwatchme May 23 2011, 06:51:45 UTC
Ah... [omg she hit her mother's best friend in the face what do WHAT DO?!]

W-would you like to some inside? We could have cookies and tea and some ice so that doesn't bruise.


beerjugs May 24 2011, 22:08:32 UTC
[Canada is being rather polite, at least for their last conversation, so she stands up and dusts the grass off her legs] It smells like a baker's shop inside.


welljustwatchme May 25 2011, 03:18:46 UTC
I was... umm, hoping baking would make me feel better.

[She looks suitibly ashamed to admit that, considering the things she has a habit of blabbing at Prussia, but gets to her feet and gestures the kingdom inside the ship.]


beerjugs May 25 2011, 03:41:51 UTC
[Nothing at first, but when she ducks her head into the entrance of the ship, Prussia quiets with the pretense of adjusting to the dimmer light] Better?


welljustwatchme May 25 2011, 03:58:33 UTC

It didn't work. [Canada is the best at explaining why she is a little ball of angst, obviously, not looking at Prussia as she gets an ice back from the fridge and hands it over to her.] Would you like coffee?


beerjugs May 25 2011, 17:13:19 UTC
Right, but don't put any of that sweet stuff in it.

[She stares momentarily at the ice pack, but shakes her head and applies it nevertheless. Hopefully it won't bruise too much.]

So, who died? You don't look like you woke on the wrong side of the bed.


welljustwatchme May 25 2011, 21:36:32 UTC
Not died, just... [She swallows, leaving an awkward little pause while the machine in the wall dispenses black coffee for the both of them. At least the things in the ship are useful sometimes.] She just left and probably forgot about me forever. The usual.


beerjugs May 25 2011, 22:18:57 UTC
She. [Prussia furrows her brow, taking a deep drink of the dark liquid as does. Vague faces come to mind, and none of them fit what Canada may be referring to. But the hurt is still there on her face.]

Hey. Come here, kid.


welljustwatchme May 25 2011, 23:43:17 UTC
[Canada blinks at Prussia, then sets down her mug of coffee and steps closer.]

I should just not ever get attached to anyone. I'm so stupid, Prusse.


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