3rd Trolling [Video/Action]

May 21, 2011 15:52

[From the Vine comes an image of Kanaya standing in front of a crooked spire of a building. Shimmering, vividly colored clothes drape from it here or there, attached to the ground below, giving it an appearance not unlike a ship's mast, or an unfinished circus tent. But perhaps more curiously than the building, whether she realizes it or not, Kanaya does not look as she usually does.

She's human.

Her skin is lightly honeyed, rather than gray, her horns are missing entirely from her head, and her eyes, while still golden in color, are of a more human style. If she is at all aware of this change, she does not seem overly concerned. Instead, she simply gestures the Vine closer as she steps through the door, and it blinks off, momentarily.

When it comes back into focus, she is standing in a colorful room, ringed with numerous high windows to let the sunlight filter in from outside. She has already filled it with plush pillows and more thick, colorful blankets. Standing against one wall is a large white wardrobe, which she now stands in front of.]

Greetings. I would like to introduce you all to my Hive. More specifically, I am opening an invitation. This, [and she gestures to the wardrobe] is my Wardrobifier. It is an object I have recreated from home. It allows for an instantaneous changing of clothing. For example.

[She reaches up to press a button on the door of the Wardrobifier, and instantly, her outfit goes from black and red to a floral green, striped with white, and short-sleeved instead of long. The keen-eyed will notice her Sigil stays in place, this time forming the clasp of a belt around her waist.]

Should anyone wish to modify their current appearance, you need only come to me with the request. Hopefully this can be of some assistance, and will require all of us to less frequently procure the Dirt from those wild places. This should also limit the, ah, less than desired effects. [And she glances down at her hand, here, the skin such a strange color compared to how it usually looks.]

Regardless. Thank you all for your time.

[ooc: so yes! Wardrobifier fun times. Feel free to have your characters pop up for a look-see. And I'm sure, as a creation of the Garden, it won't be without the occasional...hiccup, if you so desire to play around with it.]

hikari horaki, equius zahhak, gabrielle monsigny, kanaya maryam, *video, sephiroth (final fantasy vii), *action, amamiya sakurako, nepeta leijon

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