Apr 26, 2011 22:02

[There are sounds of gunfire from a certain part of the Garden-hollow sounds of metal against metal, a futile attempt, but none the less, an attempt. With her back faced to the mirror stands Gabrielle, her slender fingers wrapped around a handgun. It's hard to believe the woman, dressed and groomed so nicely the way she is, is currently helping take down robots.]

I really don't think this is going to work, Aya.

[Another loud gunshot is heard and there's the sound of something hitting the ground. It's taken more than just a few hits to bring a single one down, but it looks as if there are more where that came from. Aya-dressed in a normal shirt and jeans, favoring her own handgun over her powers as well-also comes into view of the mirrors. While the both don't seem to be out of breath just yet, the destructive machines don't seem to be coming to an end.]

I'm sure there's a way to get rid of them. We just have to-

[One of the robots rises beneath an underbrush, catching Aya off-guard. Of course, Gabrielle doesn't hesitate to shoot off a few rounds herself-this time it's her turn to bring a robot down. The woman with the ponytail seems to give the other woman a bit of a condescending smile.]

You were saying?

epsilon (pluto), gabrielle monsigny, *vine, *video, aya brea, *action, clare (claymore), ellie linton

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