x ❧ video;

Apr 25, 2011 23:01

[The stomping of the creatures into the Gardens puts a knife of pain up through her guts. The crushed flowers and discarded trees are all shrieking from the damage. She doesn't let it get to her, she's been through worse. A century ago the land was worse than just stomped, it was being drained and rotted and desecrated. She'd lost so many of her ( Read more... )

*video, clare (claymore), rose (street fighter), paderau (original), *vine

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Comments 75

failedhorribly April 26 2011, 03:53:29 UTC
Define 'stupid'.


k0kka April 26 2011, 04:05:29 UTC
Hurting yourself or anyone else unnecessarily, or anything as it's increasingly looking like.


failedhorribly April 26 2011, 04:07:50 UTC
...You know, I think that's the first time anyone's ever given me a straight answer to that question.

Need a hand with - what are you doing, exactly?


k0kka April 26 2011, 04:13:04 UTC
[Paderau would normally smile in response, but she's a creature of fire and when she turns to something with intensity, she burns with it. There is work to be done.]

As many hands as I can get. I'd have my order in tow back home, but it's just me here, and I'm trying to protect the garden from any more damage.

[When she says garden, she means first and foremost the greenery, but it eventually extends out to the other women, and to the robots in turn.]


video; mellifluently April 26 2011, 11:44:37 UTC
Paderau? What are you going to do?

[She really means what should I do. Her and Fela's house is woefully undefended, she doesn't know what she or her sister can do against the creatures.]


video; k0kka April 26 2011, 16:11:35 UTC

[She pauses.]

I'm going to try and get them out of the woods before they stomp the whole place down, then we can decide how dangerous they are.

[Because she isn't convinced of that, at the moment. They're not out there trying to suck anybody's blood like those monster plants.]


video; mellifluently April 26 2011, 22:28:53 UTC
You don't think they're dangerous?

[She looks away from the mirror, watching the trees around Fela's house warily.]


video; k0kka April 26 2011, 22:33:24 UTC
I'm sure they're dangerous, babe, but I'm not convinced they're aggressive.

[They're not organic, so it's difficult for her to really get a reading on it without going to see in person.]


mnementomori April 26 2011, 15:52:32 UTC

[Her small face is pale and bewildered under her hood.]

Just what's going on? You're not going to do anything dangerous, are you?


k0kka April 26 2011, 16:12:50 UTC
I don't know right now, kiddo, but I'm gonna be just fine.

[She doesn't smile, is too focused on where she's headed.]

Just keep your nose clean, and don't do anything rash.


mnementomori April 26 2011, 16:14:41 UTC
But those things--they're trying to ruin the clock tower!

[there's an anxious note to her voice. She doesn't want a repeat of several months ago. Even though Aqua helped her fix it...]


k0kka April 26 2011, 16:18:11 UTC
[She grits her teeth slightly. She would go to Xion, but that's not how this works, she's owed first to the earth they're crushing.]

See if you can lead them away. If they get rough with you, all bets are off though, all right? I'll be there as soon as I can.


[Voice] rosa_di_fortuna April 26 2011, 16:35:22 UTC
I do not intend to. But I must ask... What are you doing, exactly?


[Voice] k0kka April 26 2011, 16:44:30 UTC
Damage control, before somebody throws a punch they don't need to.


[Voice] rosa_di_fortuna April 26 2011, 17:23:48 UTC
Do you need assistance?


[Voice] k0kka April 26 2011, 17:33:26 UTC
As much of it as I can get, only got two hands. If you can find anyone else, I don't the orchard crushed.


[video] livetoavenge April 26 2011, 20:30:22 UTC
The same to you.


[video] k0kka April 26 2011, 21:04:17 UTC
Yeah... well... I'm working on it, anyway.


[video] livetoavenge April 26 2011, 21:10:28 UTC
What are you planning to do?


[video] k0kka April 26 2011, 21:12:48 UTC
Get shit quiet enough that we can figure out what's actually going on here.


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